Ron (not technically a true cob being likely IDx) is hunting twice a week on Haylage, turnout on reasonable grass, with a small feed 1/2 scoop of alfa oil and 1/4 scoop (dry volume) speedibeet and a mug of lo-cal balancer.
he's looking rather rounder than I'd really like, but I guess it's no bad thing at this time of year!
Red gets a load of carrots and one piece of fruit for breakfast, a stubbs scoop of Hi Fi Good Doer for dinner and a couple of sections of hay for evening munchies
Some great suggestions peeps, thank you
Would carrots affect a horse differently at different times of the year? I've heard a few people say that their horses go whappy on them but my boy was fed a few a day through autumn and it had no effect on him at all.
i think its more a case of finding what your horse is sensitive to ,with some horses its sugar ,with some its the cereal starch /peas/barley or something else in their feed. just remember the old adage feed for the work your horse is doing now, i think people tend to forget that too easily.
Carrots make my mare really spooky! I feed our Irish cob and cob x hifi lite, blood salts and add A & P power and performance according to how much work they are doing!
I feed my cob 4 mug fulls of speedibeet soaked, pink powder, cal mag and a mug full of Micronised Linseed. The above is in a 24 hour period and split into 2 feeds.
He is in during the day and out over night on very sparse grazing. He has 5kg of hay over night.
He looks really good on it. Without the cal mag he is a yob and wobbly in his back end. Without the linseed he is itchy as hell. The speedi is a fab alternative to chaff.