Hi all, im desperately looking for some history on my horse.
BLACK MAGIC. He's a black, 16hh gelding ISH. Although he was 15.2hh when i bought him!
I got him in February '07, however have a history back as far as November '06 as i was riding him.
The only other owner was Emma Hinkley of Sandalls Farm, however there i know there was an owner in between who gave him to another dealers in sussex to sell on (to me) unfortunately they never registered as owners in his passport, however the passport does have vaccination reccords from august and september '06 at Bassets Mannor Stables in Hartfield. Was wondering if anyone here was there at the time, or knows of anybody who may know of him.
If you do, could you please either reply to this post, or email me at i_lurf_smurf@hotmail.co.uk
I will try to attatch some older pictures of him as he's changed quite a bit since i got him.
BLACK MAGIC. He's a black, 16hh gelding ISH. Although he was 15.2hh when i bought him!
I got him in February '07, however have a history back as far as November '06 as i was riding him.
The only other owner was Emma Hinkley of Sandalls Farm, however there i know there was an owner in between who gave him to another dealers in sussex to sell on (to me) unfortunately they never registered as owners in his passport, however the passport does have vaccination reccords from august and september '06 at Bassets Mannor Stables in Hartfield. Was wondering if anyone here was there at the time, or knows of anybody who may know of him.
If you do, could you please either reply to this post, or email me at i_lurf_smurf@hotmail.co.uk
I will try to attatch some older pictures of him as he's changed quite a bit since i got him.