Do you think we'd find her a home?


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24 March 2009
Wales & Devon
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We have a registered section A mare that was part of a friends stud. Last year she developed sweet-itch, however it was only after she had been covered and had a foal at foot. The sweetitch developed from where the stallion had bit her so we weren't sure if it was reaction or true sweet itch and waited until this year to see. The friend gave us the mare as he didn't have the time to look after her himself.

Unfortunately this year the sweet itch came back and she's currently rugged up to the max and fly sprayed daily. She recently had a beautiful colt foal.
She's such a sweet mare to handle- she takes a while to get to know you, but once she does she gallops up to you in the field and is a real sweety and full of character.
She's 6yrs old, but since she's only been a broodmare she's not been broken, although I can't see it would be a problem and I'd think she'd make a fab project and would turn out as a fantastic show pony as she's well bred, moves well and has got the looks.

I'm moving away from the area for work and my mum works away from home alot so we just don't have the time to keep her and manage her sweetitch. Her owner thinks it would be fairer to put her down if we can't find somebody to take her as it's not fair not to manage her sweet itch. I have to say I probably agree but it's horrible to think such a nice pony would go to waste.

Unfortunately we live in the heart of welsh pony land and although we've asked around and put some ad's up nobody seems to want to loan her. We don't really want to sell her as you don't know where she'd go and whether they'd manager her OK and don't think it's wise to continue breeding from a horse with sweet itch as it passes on. (although alot of people do breed them!grr!)

All we want is a loving permanant home for her with people that are willing to take the time to manage her condition - do you think we'll find anybody?'d think in the credit crunch somebody would love a free pony!


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28 July 2005
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I used to have a beautiful section A who had sweetitch and honestly, we got him a Boett and kept an eye on it, but didn't have to worry about it too much and he never had a problem. I think it would desperatly unfair to have her put down because of this, i'm sure there is someone out there who would take her on, maybe break her or even to drive her. Please don't put her down, sweet itch is not the end of the line


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24 March 2009
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Not very readily unfortunately. I'll be moving 4.5 hours drive away and will need to find a small person to borrow as I grew out of A's quite some time ago!
She's only just had her foal aswell so it'll have to wait for a bit and I'd like to line her up a home for when they're weaned.


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24 March 2009
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Dobby putting her down would be last poss action, I really want to find her a home. TBH it's not what I would choose, but that's what the owner wants and my mum works away for alot and has the cobs checked daily by our neighbours when she's away- I don't think she thinks its fair to get them to fly spray her everyday aswell.

My first pony had sweet itch and we managed it fine -even in the days before these posh rugs (this one has a snuggyhood) - but it does need managing and needs people with spare time.

I didn't imagine it could be so difficult to give a pony away, but as she's not broken and ponies are going so cheap at the mo, I guess it makes sense.


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28 July 2005
South east UK
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Sorry, I wasn't trying to patronise

I would love to say I could help as we've still got the old sec A with sweetitch so we've got managing it down to a T, but there's no way I can afford two horses no matter how little
I really hope you can find her a home, they are such cute little ponies I can't believe no one would want her. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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I'm sure you can't just get sweetitch from a horse bite. That may have just started the scratching and its become a habit especially if she's on her own. (boredom) It could also be a change in area. I bought my Sec D WITH sweet itch. She doesn't have it anymore and hasn't since she moved 4 years ago.


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24 March 2009
Wales & Devon
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No I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the bite. I meant that because she was initially only scratching where the bite was we were hoping it was a eaction rather than sweet itch. But sweet itch it is and it's her second year of it now. Sorry if I wasn't very clear.
She's only moved about 2 miles and she's always out with other horses or her foal and she only itches at midge time of year, so I'm pretty sure it's sweet itch.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2008
West Sussex

I am sure you could find her a home, just be cautious about the home since free ponies can attract a lot of clueless people as well as good ones. Mind you, even ones you sell can attract those........
