it makes a difference if your instructor likes your horse as to whether or not prgress is made/results are seen... was discussing with a mate and we reached a but of an impass on this one
depends on the Instructor but they all have a type and whethere it's right or wrong some of them only prefer to teach their type! I have experience of this having owned ID/TB to pure TB.............
If an instructor doesn't like a horse then I don't think they can visualise the 'bigger picture' of what you and the horse can become as a partnership and therefore I think you will be limited by what they can teach you!
Of course it helps if the instructor likes your horse and sometimes (and I stress only sometimes) instructors have a fixed idea about certain types of horse eg some instructors don't like TBs when it comes to dressage and sigh when they see you coming! Show them a warmblood and they drool! If you get the vibe that that particular instructor doesn't like your horse. and you do, then change instructors as you don't want to feel as if you are apologising for being there in the first place.
yes, definitely. if the instructor doesn't like your horse, then, however professional and experienced they might be, they will never give the horse the benefit of the doubt or make allowances for its type.
i don't mind an instructor ripping my riding to shreds, that's what i'm there for, but if i can tell they really don't like my horse, i don't go back...
a really really good instructor will tell you the truth about your horse but then be generous about its limitations, imho.
Well said kerilli totally agree. Have experienced the instructor hating the horse thing and being downright rude. It was the only horse I had, I knew he was not the most talented and lacking confidence, but I adored him and had to make the best of him. Instructors need to remember that. Needless to say I have never been back to that instructor!
Definately - I've had lessons with a top Dressage trainer who clearly doesn't like Arabs (no surprises there) - he focused solely on my horse's limitations and not my riding at all, saying if I get another one I should get XYZ then I'd be moving up the grades quicker.... my regular trainer (who has competed up to Small Tour) works with his natural "Arabness" and mainly on me - teaching me 'how to ride him' and the result was instant 4% higher scores, and a much happier combination all round!!