I'll trim any whiskers that go too near her eyes,otherwise I leave it alone. I think the problem is that once I started I'd never stop and would end up with a horribly bald horse.
Everything off. Whiskers are there for horses that have to forage. Mine lives in a field with plenty of grass, and gets fed large amounts of hayledge that he doesnt have to "forage" for, and feed in a bucket. Therefore, IMO, doesnt need the whiskers for feeling for food. Looks so much smarter I think anyway!!
Ear hair comes off too, but dont strip it out, aswell as beards/feathers/bridlepath, pulled tail.
I tidy the ears but leave the hair inside, trim the jawline when showing, remove the belly fin and the bloomers on Chancer when showing.
Cairo has his ears tidied but has his beard left on - suits him and he only does the occasional show.
On my TBs I used to remove whiskers when showing but then leave them to grow back. Ears when trimmed on the outside only and the heels clipped. Also did a bridle patch and the withers were tidied.
Personally I do not like stripped out ears - think the hair inside is there for a good reason to keep out flies and dust.
only do the ears pressed together thingy and muzzle when its summer and we are actually going to a showing event. i hope no-one does the ones near the eyes - horses really need them to protect their eyes!
I don't trim whiskers or eyelashes, but bailey's were all trimmed when I bought him so they are in the process of growing back. I fully clipped him including legs in october but still left his whiskers. When I clip ears I squeeze them together and run the clippers down them but I would never clip inside the ears.
Practically every horse I have ever bought has had a horrendous brildepath and bailey was no exception. He looked so stupid on boxing day with a mohecan behind his ears, but I can so nearly plait so I'm not giving up now. I do cut bridlepaths but only 1 inch wide where the headpiece sits, not 3 inches down the mane!