Well-Known Member
IMO feel (for my animals) why vaccinate the horses but not the cats
Because my horses travel and my cats don't. If i had stay at home horses I would vaccinate only for tetanus.
IMO feel (for my animals) why vaccinate the horses but not the cats
agreed!Because my horses travel and my cats don't. If i had stay at home horses I would vaccinate only for tetanus.
Because my horses travel and my cats don't. If i had stay at home horses I would vaccinate only for tetanus.
Felv and Fiv and leukemia can affect any cat. I deal with the former two diseases all the time. Only takes one scratch one bite. Same like we keep human hygiene to avoid contracting AIDS I will give my cats the same courtesy.(for my animals) why vaccinate the horses but not the cats
As I stated
Felv and Fiv and leukemia can affect any cat. I deal with the former two diseases all the time. Only takes one scratch one bite. Same like we keep human hygiene to avoid contracting AIDS I will give my cats the same courtesy.
I will not force or diss anyone for what they do with their cats. Many cat owners who feel like you do, never get their cats a vaccine, then their circumstances change and they need to re home the cat, who many end up going to a charity like the RSPCA and they will blood test as one of the first things, as soon as the bloods come back and they test positive, they are pts. Such a shame
I want to insure my cats are fully vaccinated so if anything ever happens to me and they go to charity, who do a health check will find them healthy and ready to re home.
I will not force or diss anyone for what they do with their cats. Many cat owners who feel like you do, never get their cats a vaccine, then their circumstances change and they need to re home the cat, who many end up going to a charity like the RSPCA and they will blood test as one of the first things, as soon as the bloods come back and they test positive, they are pts. Such a shame
If a positive test result is the criteria for euthanasia then the vaccinated cat will test positive for feline 'aids' and be PTS. At least the unvaccinated cat has a pretty good chance of testing negative.
Vets have known for years that cats are being over vaccinated and yet they continue to take the money for yearly jabs, knowing that it is causing more harm than good.
If we had a free health system for pets like the NHS, we'd quickly find that routine frequent vaccination was similar to programmes for humans.
When, as an adult were you last vaccinated ?
Because my horses travel and my cats don't. If i had stay at home horses I would vaccinate only for tetanus.