Do you view horses for sale on your own?


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
South West
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Following on from another thread, I have viewed horses on my own in the past, as I know what I want, and like to try them/dismiss them etc before either going back with somebody else or vetting etc.

I am an old biddy of 55 and I do now wonder how safe this is, not that I am likely to be ravaged because of my incredible sex appeal, BUT I could be mugged, car stolen, anything really. And there might just be a complete nutter out there wanting to ravage me ...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hmm, worth considering before venturing into the unknown to meet people who could be anyone.


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23 March 2012
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I'd always take someone as another opinion, and to be firm and unbiased while I'm falling in love with its ickle wickle


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28 September 2009
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There can be danger.

A former yo where i kept my horses, her 19 yr old son had his bmw for sale over a bank holiday weekend. He couldn't afford the insurance, & it ran out that weekend. 2 Men arranged a viewing, turned up, inspected the car, wanted to go for a test drive (on their insurance as by now owner had none). The owner went with them. He arrived back an hour later, having been beaten up, had his phone taken, the car stolen & left him dumped in a layby. He had no car, no contact details (those given were false), no insurance to claim on.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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I do as sometimes had to do so. It's more fun with someone else plus good to get feedback..

Feel perfectly safe though.... Probably something to do with the three staffords I take with me!!


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
South West
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Measles: Absolutely agree with you on everything. Sadly, the last one I viewed (fortunately being sold by a very nice lady:D) I went alone and ended up having Sunday lunch on my own in a pub as I was so hungry:eek::eek: Well, I did have my little dog with me (he was the only thing I could force to come with me :).

This could be due to a lady from my yard who used to accompany me, telling people that I forced her out of my car to open a gate on one viewing as there was a sign saying beware of the dangerous dogs. They were not as dangerous as the vendor's mum however when I took one look at the lame pony and said it was not for me.

After a positive barrage of abuse and being told that no horse was perfect, we fled before the caged Alsations were released and headed for the nearest pub. Lunch did not appeal but a stiff drink did!

I was very glad was not alone that day.


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9 July 2008
Cambridge, UK
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I go on my own unless I am taking 'just a short detour' when going elsewhere! I'm sure terrible things could happen, but that's the same in a lot of situations and I think life is too short to worry all the time and I don't have any friends at all interested in looking at horses let alone going to see every one! My OH came to one and did make me feel better when I felt like a crap rider afterwards! When I find one I want I would like to take someone horsey but I don't actually know anyone anymore :-(


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
South West
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There can be danger.

A former yo where i kept my horses, her 19 yr old son had his bmw for sale over a bank holiday weekend. He couldn't afford the insurance, & it ran out that weekend. 2 Men arranged a viewing, turned up, inspected the car, wanted to go for a test drive (on their insurance as by now owner had none). The owner went with them. He arrived back an hour later, having been beaten up, had his phone taken, the car stolen & left him dumped in a layby. He had no car, no contact details (those given were false), no insurance to claim on.

:eek::eek::eek: This just goes to show that you can NEVER be too careful, regardless of what gender you are when it comes to dealing with unknown people.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2010
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Do you know, I never even thought of the personal safety aspect before! Duh! I always took someone else with me, though - I definitely need a second opinion and someone more knowledgeable with me! I was glad of my friend when I viewed H - and she was there to take pictures and videos to view later. She pointed out all the negatives and positives and was a more objective voice when we talked about him to YO.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2011
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I've only gone on my own when the horse is at a large professional livery yard or similar where I know there will be staff there as well as the seller.

I figure I've less to worry about on the personal safety front in that case & if I fall off there will be someone around to help me. Of course if I go on my own I always leave details of where I'm going, what time I'm due back etc. I'd never go to a viewing at a private address on my own.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2011
Central scotland
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I always take a mate with me while looking and trying, 2 sets of eyes r better than 1, if i like what i see and like it under saddle they keep me reined in :D
If im happy to take it forward the next steps the vetting, and i usually always use my own vet who im happy to Pay extra for if the horse is further afield.
I wouldnt view on my own unless its an on spec unarranged viewing by chance and even then if i was interested id arrange a time to do it properly


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
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It's never actually crossed my mind that going to see a complete stranger the other side of the country could be potentially dangerous!:eek::rolleyes: I've never been to view one alone as I like someone there to a) watch from the ground & at the same time talk to the owner while I ride about b) be my sensible second opinion when I fall in love with a psychotic monster c) drive me to the nearest hospital when I get thrown off ;)
I've been to vettings and been to collect by myself, but never to an initial viewing (probably a good job too!)


Well-Known Member
22 April 2012
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When I bought my latest horse I went to see him on my own first because a) the seller was a friend and b) the horse was out of my price range so I didn't think I'd buy him anyway...silly me :eek: I also didn't want to waste anyone's time taking someone with me if the horse wasn't actually suitable. I wouldn't go on my own if I didn't know the seller.

The Fuzzy Furry

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24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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I think Big Fuzzy is the only horse I have been & tried without anyone with me.
Not a lot of facilities to try out, seller seemed genuine (and turned out was lovely person & we still keep in touch).
All others have been either unbacked animals & hence picked up & brought home, or have been clients horses/ponies.

edited to add: yes, just remembered a couple of TB's I hopped on before throwing them in the lorry a number of years ago. Went to drop off a horse for a client & got 'persuaded' to take them on to re-hab into something other than a race-horse :rolleyes: :)
2 for the price of 1, I had to go back the week later to pay the £100 for the pair as I didn't have any money with me on collection


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17 September 2008
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I figured out I have no chance in going on my own, when I start viewing. Me, Instructor (for professional opinion), OH (with camera), and so far 2-3 friends for unbiased opinion! I'll need a mini bus at this rate!!

On a serious note, I would never view on my own, I would always take at least my instructor for the professional side.


Well-Known Member
20 July 2009
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Don't know what my big boys owner thought when 6 of us turned up to look at him and 4 of them tried him too!!!!
I bought him though, best horse I've ever had, he rides and drives, shows and does jumping, Xcontry the lot.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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No, and would advise any-one else not to. I was horrified when a young colleague was going to look at a house on her own, intending to take her parents if she went for a 2nd viewing? Does no-one remember Suzy Lamplugh?
There are loads of reasons posted above - quite apart from the possibility of being met by a psychopath what happens if you fall off the horse and are badly injured. How would the vendor know who to contact to say you had been carted off to A&E? I have arranged to meet vendors at a land-mark and followed them in my car to their yard - how would any-one know where you were under those circumstances?
Anyway, sis and I always make it into a day out - even if the horse is local!


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Gosh I've never considered dangers of going to see a horse on my own, I feel pretty naieve now! Yes I've been to see a fair few horses on my own. My reasoning has been that if I like the horse I will take someone with me for a second viewing.

Miss L Toe

Well-Known Member
6 July 2009
On the dark side, Scotland
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Don't know what my big boys owner thought when 6 of us turned up to look at him and 4 of them tried him too!!!!
I bought him though, best horse I've ever had, he rides and drives, shows and does jumping, Xcontry the lot.
Why should four people try him, if it were me I would tell them to pixel offski, my boy would get upset with this nonsense, if one good rider schools him and then the potential owner rides him, that is enough.


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
South West
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Gosh I've never considered dangers of going to see a horse on my own, I feel pretty naieve now! Yes I've been to see a fair few horses on my own. My reasoning has been that if I like the horse I will take someone with me for a second viewing.

This is what I have generally done in the past, but will think twice now.

Many years ago my attractive 17 YO sister bought a foal for around £400 at Stow Fair (probably the top price of the day and a lot of money 30 years ago) and to get it home she went on her own in a lorry with a chap she found either in the lorry park or through an announcement over the tannoy! She and foal arrived safely, the only apparent problem being she couldn't understand his strong Devon accent. :D