How dare you - you don't even know anything about me. Very judgemental!
Whoopdedoo. But do you have the experience and the patience to bring on a youngster? I doubt it.
I have over 15 years riding horses and of course during that time I had to deal with some naughty/cheeky horses (including one that took a bite out of my arm). I would like to feel like I have enough experience to deal with a young horse if I have the right support around me.
I was originally looking at a horse 4yrs+ which I can ride straight away, this yearling just completely took me by surprise and made me question if I have the ability to bring her on. I understand by the comments that it's doable but will be hard. I have seen other horses that are already backed and riding away but my mind keeps on going back to the young filly.
I'M TORN!!!![]()
How much do you enjoy riding as unless you have other horses to ride you won't be doing much for a long time if you buy a yearling so you will need to enjoy groundwork and understand not to get tempted to over do it when they are still young.
Secondly do you have a suitable yard to keep a youngster on, ideally they need company and other youngsters to play with. You also need someone on the yard who is willing to look after your youngster in an emergency for example should you get sick, or have an accident as not everyone is comfortable with handing youngsters.
Thirdly what are your finances like, youngsters grow out of saddles and rugs, you may want some lessons to get you going especially if you are having a break from riding whilst your horse matures enough to be ready to break.
Buying a horse just based on it having nice eyes is probably not a great idea whatever its age, horse buying is a hard enough task anyway without making a rash decision and buying something you were not originally looking for just because it has kind eyes.
I think with youngsters you need not only confidence and knowledge you need patience.
A very difficult question to answer as it depends on so much.
You are not a novice... But how experienced are you? How many years have you been riding, was it all at a riding school or have you been riding friends horses or leasing/sharing?
Some horses can be a doodle to break others not so and some that feed off the unsure actions of the rider, lose confidence and misbehave.
I've broken a good few myself and one I gave up on. Youngsters don't always turn out as good as hoped.
You would be far better off sticking to your original plan, save up and buy a nice 4yr old that has been well broken, ridden away and ready for schooling.