does anybody know this horse? (pics)


Well-Known Member
25 August 2012
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Hiya I can put an ad up for you on a Kent forum if you want? I know it's a bit farther afield from where you had her but I could still try? It's quite a busy forum :)


Well-Known Member
23 June 2011
great yarmouth
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still no joy :-( any forums/pages if people want to share her id be so grateful...
like i want to stress i just want to FIND her, or find what happened to her...
if she is safe and well in a loving home ive no intention of buying her back, interfeering etc, i just want to know she is safe and well.
and if the worst has happend to her i want to know her story after she left me...
(she left me as a sound, safe and 'fairly sensible' (for a tb anyway!! lol) mare)
thanks guys x


Well-Known Member
25 August 2012
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still no joy :-( any forums/pages if people want to share her id be so grateful...
like i want to stress i just want to FIND her, or find what happened to her...
if she is safe and well in a loving home ive no intention of buying her back, interfeering etc, i just want to know she is safe and well.
and if the worst has happend to her i want to know her story after she left me...
(she left me as a sound, safe and 'fairly sensible' (for a tb anyway!! lol) mare)
thanks guys x

I've put up a thread on TRF :)


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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What about concentrating on trying to trace her owner? Most people can be found through Google, especially if their name's not too common.

Did you know anyone who also knew the girl? Or what sort of job she does?

Just trying to think of ideas. :)


Well-Known Member
27 October 2011
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What about concentrating on trying to trace her owner? Most people can be found through Google, especially if their name's not too common.

Did you know anyone who also knew the girl? Or what sort of job she does?

Just trying to think of ideas. :)

Very good point! you have been searching so long could you send out her picture and a short message to all the different horse magazine editors...explaining how long you have been searching.

Did you deliver her yourself to a yard? was she collected? start with the yard she went to if you can xx


Well-Known Member
23 June 2011
great yarmouth
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ive been on 192 people and google typing in the name louisa and suffolk to see if i can kick start my memory... her step mum and dad lived in east harling where i used to live and everyone just knew the step mum as carol the copper! lol
i dont know where louisa actually lived although rio was in leiston/knodishall.
it was just a field of horses she went to but she was apparently being moved to a livery yard down the road which ive been told has shut down now.
she was apparently going to college to do horsecare (it may have been ottley?, defo not easton tho) but i dont know if she ended up going.
no one i knew knew louisa and her step mum wasnt the most liked person in the village for being a policewoman! :-S x


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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ive been on 192 people and google typing in the name louisa and suffolk to see if i can kick start my memory... her step mum and dad lived in east harling where i used to live and everyone just knew the step mum as carol the copper! lol
i dont know where louisa actually lived although rio was in leiston/knodishall.
it was just a field of horses she went to but she was apparently being moved to a livery yard down the road which ive been told has shut down now.
she was apparently going to college to do horsecare (it may have been ottley?, defo not easton tho) but i dont know if she ended up going.
no one i knew knew louisa and her step mum wasnt the most liked person in the village for being a policewoman! :-S x

Do you not know Louisa or her step-mum's last names? Maybe someone who remembers "Carol the copper" would also be able to give you her step-mum's name? It would be a starting point....


Well-Known Member
23 June 2011
great yarmouth
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spoken to someone and they seem to think it was marsh
done a search for carol marsh in east harling and nothing has come up yet.
i go to harling now and again to see friends so next time im over there ill ask around again.
used to see carol in the pub a few years back which is how i got the updates ;)
its a good excuse as any for a trip to the pub..... research ;)


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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spoken to someone and they seem to think it was marsh
done a search for carol marsh in east harling and nothing has come up yet.
i go to harling now and again to see friends so next time im over there ill ask around again.
used to see carol in the pub a few years back which is how i got the updates ;)
its a good excuse as any for a trip to the pub..... research ;)

:D When in doubt, go to the pub. Works for me. ;)


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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What about asking if they will put something in Absolute Horse magazine for you? Maybe send something out to the riding clubs round there, I think that there is 2 in that area.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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maybe a long shot but could you go to the police station that carol the copper worked for - she may still be there? or maybe a colleague could help - i don't know wether they would do that or ask the people in the pub - if she was a regular in there surely someone will know her? have you tried BD, BE, BS see if someone can search her name on there and see if she has any competition history on there? just a few ideas - hope you find her!


Well-Known Member
23 June 2011
great yarmouth
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she was retired when i sold rio.
ive got a few bits and bobs to try.
i know someone who works for eq magazine so ill ask him to put an ad in there for me.
thx for all the suggestions guys
i really appreciate it :) x x