Does anyone know anything about the following liivery yards in Wiltshire?


Well-Known Member
26 October 2009
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Heywood equestrian - westbury
West wilts equestrian centre
Horse croft stables - westbury
Whitehill liveries - calne
Wick yard - Bradford on Avon

Relocating in April, desperately seeking new fab yard that isn't 40 mins away unlike current place! Can anyone give any info on above yards? Good or bad, pm me if you prefer. Or recommend anywhere decent near melksham?

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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I only know about West Wilts, its a big competition venue with lots of events running most weekends. I guess it depends what you do and how much you compete but I would say it would be good if you are a keen competitor.

Whereabouts in Wiltshire are you moving to and what sort of facilities are you after as i'm in Wiltshire aswell so might be able to suggest some other places.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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Same here, been to WW a few times, seems like a nice place, but I only saw the indoor and xc part. I'm based in North Wilts if you want any info about yards round there

oops just seen you're at Melksham, go on Facebook and join Wiltshire Horse Riders Group, there's a large contingent from that area and they often mention livery yards with vacancies


Well-Known Member
26 October 2009
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Hiya thanks for the reply,

West wilts would be great as I do compete and have a youngster so being based there would be a definite advantage as it looks like there is something going on pretty much every day! Although someone has mentioned that turnout is limited there which would be a problem, although I'm not sure how limited? In terms of what I need, a decent arena, good turnout but doesnt have to be 24/7, good hacking although I would compromise on this if the other facilities were really good. I wouldn't mind quiet lanes if no off road hacking was available. nice people and knowledgable yo/ym. I will be moving to the outskirts of melksham and ideally don't want to travel more than 15 mins so looking for either diy or assisted. Current yard is 40 mins away and it's just too much!

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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WW is a lovely yard but I think turnout is very restricted even in the summer you rarely see horses in the fields when going there to compete.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2008
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Hi horsecroft has closed down. Heywood has little or no turnout and the hacking is not ideal if you have a youngster as you have to go down the main road to get to any decent routes. West wilts is good but depends on yor budget as probably one of the more expensive yards. X

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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There is Hudds farm, I have no idea what it is like now but had good grazing and facilities when I tried a horse there once.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2009
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Thanks for all your advice, now have a better idea of which to avoid and also have some good recommendations so hopefully we will find somewhere to suit


Well-Known Member
30 October 2008
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It is still the same owner at Hudds farm, who is super nice and v knowledgable. not sure about turn out but they do have a school.


Well-Known Member
8 April 2010
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Abbitswood farm is near melksham- not sure what the yard is like but have hunted from there.
Think wick yard is DIY but there is another yard bear BOA- will wrack my brains!
Jb x


Well-Known Member
26 October 2009
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Thank you both yards look good and very conveniently placed! Very excited at the prospect of having my boy a few miles from home rather than the current 20!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2008
In a windy cottage in Wiltshire
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Heywood equestrian - westbury
West wilts equestrian centre
Horse croft stables - westbury
Whitehill liveries - calne
Wick yard - Bradford on Avon

West Wilts - really nice facilities (new huge outdoor is super!) but turnout not great for liveries. Also hacking is dire!

Horse Croft has closed down.

No idea about Whitehill.

I'm at Wick Yard :D but we have no spaces atm.

Hartley Farm is nice, okay hacking, all quiet country lanes, nice outdoor.
Abbottswood Farm in Bromham has good turnout, excellent hacking and a big outdoor. Always pretty full though, but worth a ring.
Great Ashley Farm is in the same area as Hartley -lovely outdoor with the same hacking as Hartley.
Church Farm in Monkton Farleigh does all year turnout, nice big stables, quiet country lane hacking (used to be there, would reccy).
Kingsdown Liveries in Kingsdown, just east of Bathford has an outdoor arena and (I think) all year turnout - quiet country lane hacking again, and next to bridleway on golf course so close for a canter!
Hudds Farm is the other side of Bradford on Avon to those above, I know it has an outdoor arena but not much else - I think for hacking you have to cross the busy Frome road?

We don't have great off road hacking in this area, but all the lanes are really quiet and horse friendly :)

Also forgot -

Nick Hillier in Bradford on Avon, nice arena and xc course and all year turnout, but hacking not great (have to cross busy main road to get to bridleway).
Egerton Sports Horses in Broughton Gifford - really close to nice bridleways, big outdoor - and 5 mins from West Wilts EC.
As you will be in Melksham, try some of the yards on Forest Lane (google it) - loads down there but not sure what the hacking is like.

I think that is it!
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