Does anyone ride with a stoma?


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4 October 2012
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Unfortunately my lovely younger sister who's only 17 will be having her surgery next week to remove the colon and put a colostomy bag on. She has a severe form of ulcerative colitis and no longer responds to any drugs :( I'm absolutely devastated for her, but knowing that riding her pony Is one of her loves in life, I wondered if anyone had experience of riding with a stoma/ colostomy bag?

Thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
23 October 2012
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I don't know personally but a good friend in his 20's has had one done. He finds swimming too risky but still bikes and runs with it securely under a neoprene style belt. No reason why she couldn't ride as long as she isn't going too mad as far as I know and I think his took a while to settle/ get used to. He copes with it amazingly and makes us laugh with his funny stories about changing it in blokes loos. Girls probably have it easier from that point of view as more private cubicles. Good luck to her x


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26 August 2011
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They are very discrete these days. I see no reason why she wouldn't be able to ride with one. As a fellow Colitis/Crohns sufferer who has been hours away from the same surgery but was tried on one last thing, I know how she must be feeling. On the positive side, she will feel so much better without the colitis symptoms x


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21 January 2009
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I competed at mounted games on a team with a lad who had a colostomy bag. He was awesome although he was a little careful in the more physical races. You would never have known if he hadn't said.


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16 November 2007
South Yorkshire
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I teach a client who has one. It is only about 12 months since it was fitted so she is still getting used to everything. She wears a small guard over it (Looks like a more solid dust mask).
She chooses not to jump at the moment due to the risks associated with damaging it but I suspect this may change as time progresses.
I will ask her whether she is able to join the forum and PM you.


Well-Known Member
25 December 2009
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My mum had a colostomy in her 80's. I read that there was a system that would mean she only had to wear a bag as a precaution - she was a very private person and her daily routine like a timetable - never varied, so she couldn't accept the idea of a bag. The system she used was easy and involved her being in the bathroom for about 45minutes once a day. Wont go into details but effectively it was like a wash out and meant she didn't need to wear a bag all day. The hospital were very reluctant to show her what to do and said she was too old! But the local stoma nurse was much more helpful and in fact she managed the irrigation system until a few years before her death at 100! I really don't know why so few colostomy patients seem to know about the system - it is so easy and results in a near 'normal' life. OP - I do hope your sister can use the irrigation system - please feel free to message me.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Not personally, but i know of someone who does. In fact, due to surgery depleting core muscle, horse riding is a very good way to build that back up. They never ride alone though, just to be safe. Anyone she rides with will need to have the knowledge to help her should something happen.
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Well-Known Member
2 August 2009
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The daughter of a good friend has a bag, and I nearly had to have one! She met and married her husband after her op, and they have a beautiful little girl, everything happening normally. She is active and dives, but is not a rider. There would be no reason why she should have to give up riding....just make sure the jods are not too tight and you can always wear a top that is loose or a jacket! All the friends daughter has exactly the same condition and if you, or she,wants to be connected I am glad to pass on details through a pm. She has talked to many other young people who are going through the same situation...