Dog gone for a trial visit

10 March 2009
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As you know Im having to rehome my dog urgently. My dog walkers have taken her for a trial weekend. they dont know what shes like or what they are in for.
Shes so demanding and clingy with me mainly because Im home 95% of the time. They have a rescue greyhiund, its totally different tio a hyper 12 year old cocker.Im resisting contacting them to see how shes getting on. I dont want her to go as its another step but if they decide they can deal with her shes got to be given oermission by the Cinnamon Trust. I must say Im not hopeful
10 March 2009
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She is signed over to
CT for them to try and rehome through themselves she has been registered with them for some time since initial diagnosis, if they accept a fosterer they pay al the vet bills which is important at her age especiallyu at the moment as she is too old now to insure with someone else. There are loads of restrictions on my insurance


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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CT will also give life long support to the dog of the home fails for any reason in the future.
I am happy and sad for you all at once PL, if the dog walker takes her will she be able to spend some time with you too or is that not something you want, will find to difficult or think your dog will?
Fingers crossed it all works out and whilst I am sure you will miss her you will know her future is secure.


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29 January 2008
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PL I am so sorry that you are having to part with her but the CT will do right by your girl and as previously said the vets bills will be covered for a fosterer. Also if it fails they will step in without a shadow of a doubt. Our old girl was covered by them and when she was ill they never hesitated to offer to settle bills. We declined because we could afford it ourselves and considered it wrong to take money we didn't need - but if we had wanted it covered they would have stepped in for us.
They did so well for us with our girl and we will have another from them one day.
I think of you every day and send you every wish. I am sure your girl will be ok - but make sure you care for yourself as well xxx
10 March 2009
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Its up to Meg now if she behaves, shes a totally different dog out on a walk realllly well behaved theyve only seen her good side.
Im missing her already though shes a pain indoors, Ive hardly moved all day except for the loo! I think shell be back after the weekend anyway as even if they say yes there are procedures. I thought they boarded clients sometimesd but they dont so not used to various types indoors. Oh well fingers crossed. I thnik 2 days is not long enough for her to settle at all she didnt settle after nearly a week when I had to go in to hospital, and the whole thing fell apart.Im catastrophising again, sorry. Night Night


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29 January 2008
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PL I am so happy for you that she has a home and you know where. She probably knows you are poorly which will worry her. CT will not stand in your way if the dog is settled/happy but they will always be there for her in the future. I hope you can feel more relaxed now xx


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I have Penny Less's name and address from when I sent her some spare ranitidine a year or so ago. I'm not sure what the ethics of sharing that would be in this situation if people want to send a card or something?


Well-Known Member
15 October 2008
Cloud Cockoo Land
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I have Penny Less's name and address from when I sent her some spare ranitidine a year or so ago. I'm not sure what the ethics of sharing that would be in this situation if people want to send a card or something?

If you had time maybe you could send a little note wishing her well from all HHO
and we hope to see her back very soon?