Well-Known Member
Another thread has me wondering: what are colic treatments you know/grew up with that are virtually obsolete today, or never used by vets?
I'm reading a book from the 19th century on horse training, and here's what the author advises for colic:
I'm reading a book from the 19th century on horse training, and here's what the author advises for colic:
Give to the horse a pint of port or claret wine, with a small nutmeg grated fine, and half a spoonful of powdered ginger, all well mixed, and given rather hotter than lukewarm. The best method is to get ready some boiling hot water, then put the nutmeg and ginger, together with a little loaf sugar, into a vessel, and pour the hot water upon them, and cover it for three minutes; then add the wine, and give this dose to the horse pretty warm. It generally gives relief in a short time