Double Bridle Bit Fitting help (pics)

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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Can anyone give me some advice on fitting the bits on my new double bridle please:)

I was under the understanding that the bits shouldn't touch at all in the mouth, but I am finding this really hard to achieve as the port of the weymouth and the losenge from the bradoon naturally form a pinch point unless I seperate them by miles. Here is a picture of them separated to the point where they don't pinch, but it doesn't look right to me!

I probably should mention that the weymouth is still clear of his front tush tooth.

It is also causing a problem with the hook for the curb chain potentially digging in his lip, any suggestions?

I seemed to remember reading about how you could pass the curb through the bradoon like this

is that correct? (in this pic the weymouth has been lifted as my curb chain isn't long enough to show what I meant otherwise, however I can't leave it like this as it pinches in the mouth against bradoon).

He is used to being ridden in a port mouth pelham with two reins and the Neue Schule hanging cheek losenge, so for this reason I have left the NS as a bradoon (believe this is dressage legal?) and picked a weymouth with a medium port.

Any advice greatfully received, don't want to start him in it until feel he is comfortable!

Hot choc with cream and marshmallows today:D

Sorry about huge pics
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Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Weymouth is far too low in top pics, better in bottom pick.
I have never seen a curb slotted through the bradoon.

If I were you I'd book a lesson with your instructor and have them help you before you contemplate riding in it.

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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Weymouth is far too low in top pics, better in bottom pick.
I have never seen a curb slotted through the bradoon.

If I were you I'd book a lesson with your instructor and have them help you before you contemplate riding in it.

But then when I stick my finger in between them they are touching and pinching my finger, so could surely pinch his tongue too? Is that right? When I spoke to a knowledgeable friend for advice yesterday they said they mustn't touch, but agree it looks too low..

Have a lesson booked for next week but have to hack to school so wanted it basically right before hacking down! Thanks


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25 August 2005
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I've never seen a hanging cheek used with a double bridle. I wonder if this is what is causing the problem. My bradoon is very narrow in the mouthpiece which leaves more room for the weymouth, where as your bradoon mouthpiece looks quite thick. Can you try another bradoon, like a loose ring?
My weymouth tends to slightly overlap the bradoon like in this picture Elite Double Bridle.JPG
but in the mouth the mouthpieces don't touch, but only by about 1mm.

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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I've never seen a hanging cheek used with a double bridle. I wonder if this is what is causing the problem. My bradoon is very narrow in the mouthpiece which leaves more room for the weymouth, where as your bradoon mouthpiece looks quite thick. Can you try another bradoon, like a loose ring?
My weymouth tends to slightly overlap the bradoon like in this picture Elite Double Bridle.JPG
but in the mouth the mouthpieces don't touch, but only by about 1mm.

I did wander if it was the hanging cheek causing the prob.. I have a loose ring bradoon I can try so will take that down and give it a go. Thanks for the advice :)


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21 November 2005
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The curb looks way too low at the moment. I usually find the curb ends up about 1" above the tushes, with the bradoon in it's normal position and about one finger width in between (at the side of the mouth). It does depend on the horse though and you'd be sensible to get someone with more experience of fitting doubles to check it for you in person.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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Your Weymouth is too low. I don't know as cant totally see in photos, but you may have your cheek pieces mixed up. Your normal cheek pieces should be attached to the Weymouth and the slip head should be on your snaffle. Also not too sure about the hanging cheek, never seen this before and surely you'd be counter-acting the Weymouth?


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Your Weymouth is too low. I don't know as cant totally see in photos, but you may have your cheek pieces mixed up. Your normal cheek pieces should be attached to the Weymouth and the slip head should be on your snaffle. Also not too sure about the hanging cheek, never seen this before and surely you'd be counter-acting the Weymouth?

Good spot - I think you are right, difficult to tell exactly but the leather currently on the bridoon looks to match the bridle better and I suspect are the cheeks rather than the slip

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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The curb looks way too low at the moment. I usually find the curb ends up about 1" above the tushes, with the bradoon in it's normal position and about one finger width in between (at the side of the mouth). It does depend on the horse though and you'd be sensible to get someone with more experience of fitting doubles to check it for you in person.

Great thanks, do you know if yours then touch in the middle of the mouth or if that finger width is retained across the mouth? p.s will be getting it checked next week by RI and friend who rides in one

Your Weymouth is too low. I don't know as cant totally see in photos, but you may have your cheek pieces mixed up. Your normal cheek pieces should be attached to the Weymouth and the slip head should be on your snaffle. Also not too sure about the hanging cheek, never seen this before and surely you'd be counter-acting the Weymouth?

Def right way around :) Hanging cheek is allowed but must admit have only put it on as it's his 'normal bit' but will now try the loose ring bradoon I have.

You could also get some pliers and bend the curb hooks away from his face. I had to do that on mine.

Yep did try that this morning, but need to use husbands man strength! Glad to hear someone else had to do this too :)

Good spot - I think you are right, difficult to tell exactly but the leather currently on the bridoon looks to match the bridle better and I suspect are the cheeks rather than the slip

It probably looks confusing as has been made specifically as a double bridle (rather than a snaffle converted with a slip head). Both cheek pieces come off same head piece so have used the bottom one (closest to jaw/throat) for bradoon and top one (nearest eyes) for weymouth


Well-Known Member
3 September 2012
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you are better off asking someone to have a look rather than asking on here. Not because no one here knows but just because it is difficult to tell exactly what is going on with a double bridle from a photo where we can only see the mouth/muzzle and not the whole thing. as someone else said, dont ride in it until you have had it checked, especially as you are not sure yourself if it is right or not.


Well-Known Member
3 September 2012
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what make bridle is it out of interest? just as it looks like my rhinegold double and that is a mission to put back together! lol :D

lara b

Well-Known Member
6 September 2010
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you are better off asking someone to have a look rather than asking on here. Not because no one here knows but just because it is difficult to tell exactly what is going on with a double bridle from a photo where we can only see the mouth/muzzle and not the whole thing. as someone else said, dont ride in it until you have had it checked, especially as you are not sure yourself if it is right or not.

Don't worry it was always the intention of getting someone to check it for me (it has now dawned on me that I can ride down in the snaffle and 'attach' the pelham when I get there infront of RS!).

The main thing I am confused about and looking for clarification on is whether the bits are ok to touch in the mouth? There seems to be a real lack of clarity in all the information and discussions I have seen as to whether the bits should touch or not (a lot of people mention the one finger width at the side thing but not what should actually go on in the mouth)? So ignoring my pics and just asking generally does anyone know if the bits should touch inside the mouth or not?

Thanks for everyone who has taken time to reply so far