what a different feeling im trying a wow saddle out for a couple of weeks it is certainly comfy want to see how my boy goes in it. Just feel as though you are not sitting that close to the horse.
I borrowed one from a saddler for 2 weeks but gave it back after a couple of days cuz it was really heavy and the horse I put it on went like a rodeo horse when I tried to lunge him in it! I thought he was going to flip over! (well scarey!)
It depends on how the saddle has been set up as to how close you will feel, it may just need a little air adjustment. Keep playing with it, they are very different to start with. Is your horse going better in it?
all the wow saddles i have tried have been so light which is why i like them, they are filled with air how can they be heavy? Stick with it get the saddler out and get the air adjusted. you will love it x