Duplo composite horse shoes - any experiences?


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18 February 2015
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This is more idle curiosity than anything else as horse is currently going great guns on our 2nd attempt at BF after amazing advice from my last thread, so I've no intentions of going back to trad shoeing :).

Has anyone tried the Duplo composite shoes? https://duplo-frank.de/en/duplo-composite-horseshoes
They nail on like traditional steel shoes but are a plastic material, which I assume would help reduce concussion from hard surfaces slightly. Obviously the shoe can't be shaped to the foot so the foot would have to be shaped to the shoe, which wouldn't support the horse in growing the shape of foot that they need.

As I say, it's just idle curiosity as they're unusual and I've not seen them used before!


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I looked into something like this once. There was only one farrier in the country doing them and he told me it was ridiculously expensive/awkward/time consuming and he never actually got back to me about it.


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23 December 2010
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mark johnson duplo

if you google the above (quicker than giving all the links) there about 3 videos and other references to duplo.

mine are all BF but I think the question to ask is if normal open heeled steel shoes are so brilliant anyway or if there is a better alternative. Are they doing the feet any favours, what about failure in the caudal part of the foot.
In 2021 surely there is a better alternative for those who want their horses shod.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2012
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I am hoping to move my horse into them at our next shoeing. I spoke to my farrier about it when he was here a few days ago.

Mine was originally barefoot. He went into bar shoes at vet suggestion for 2 cycles to provide stability at the back of the foot. (Straight sesamoidian injury, initially got to trot work part of the rehab, landed unevenly and immediately lame, had torn the ligament again where it couldn’t stretch as the foot flexed- hence the suggestion of stability whilst it healed) He then went into regular open heeled shoes. I think his feet are changing- and not for the better. He’s been shod since February.

I spoke to my farrier about them and he’s happy to try them.

I messaged duplo on Sunday with some questions on which model would be best. (I’m not sure if he’d be best with the metal ring inlay)

By Monday morning I had a response saying they’d passed on my details to their specialist… by lunchtime I had an email from their master farrier instructor asking for my phone number so we could discuss which would be the best option. I’m really impressed with their customer service!

Once they’re on and in use, I would be happy to update. I used the search function on this forum, as well as following mark johnson to try and get as much info as possible.

Bonnie Allie

Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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Yes used really successfully on a horse that was showing early arthritic changes in joints and that had very flat feet as well.

Really assisted with concussion, kept her comfortable whilst she was jumping and allowed her to retire sound, barefoot post her competitive career. Great grip in wet going as well.