Dustry's overexcited about xmas and he just can't hide it!!!! *pic*


Well-Known Member
19 January 2009
Wonderful Wiltshire
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Oh dear....pony has gone loopy!

Went to get D from the field today to take him to his lesson, called his name and it was like I had set off the starting gun, cue galloping horse round and round the field, then after a few laps this demonstration came to an end with a spectacular test of nerve as he pelted at me at full tilt, skidding to a stop, rearing up then walking calming about 5 steps towards me and trying to nudge his headcollar on.....????? he did this last weekend as well....I can only assume he is really excited about being ridden???... he's not doing it to not be caught, he just seems to feel that I am in need to this 'display' before I catch him up.....odd

anyhoo the excitement continued in our lesson. D seems to get very hyped about poles so grids can be a little tricky, it's SUPER SUPER hard for me to trot him calming through a grid, on a long contact, trying to encourage him down with his neck, in order to get him to use his back.

It's such a fine line between that and hollowing, touching a pole, and then rocketing off at a rate of knots, with a banana neck!!!!

After a few reps he had is sussed though and thankfully found the whole thing much less exciting *phew* my god he has a pop though! It's crucial though that we nail the basics so lots of pole work and tiny fences for us for the next few months as his jumping standard is not up to scratch compared with his flatwork atm

anyone else have a horse that gets hyped by jumping?...what has helped yours?....

beef in black bean, bang bang chicken and boiled rice on offer, essential pre-race food for my 10k tomorrow! ;)

blog report and pic here http://www.gifthorseeventing.co.uk/2011/11/fat-neck-bouncy-neck.html


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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My horse finds jumping very exciting & he's very strong as well. My instructor has us doing loads & loads of gridwork
,which improved his technique loads(he used to just flatten & gallop through everything). Unfortunately I cannot practise much now as eventually had to give up jumping at home due to him reverting to just galloping through everything due to his keen-ness! I'm lucky that he's naturally gifted at jumping & is rideable when jumping away from home. I just have to tick him over with lessons & the odd clinic in-between competitions.