Easyboot Epics with pads?


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24 June 2012
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I am on my never ending search for the perfect hoof boot! I've got a couple of fit kits at the moment with various options in them but have just been looking at the Epics and wondering if they might be worth a go too.

My issues is that I really like to use a pad as my lad has got a few things going on and is just more comfortable with one. We can get away with 6mm but 12mm is better if possible. I noticed on the Saddlery Shop website that you can use a 12mm pad with the Epics and I was just wondering if anybody uses this combo and how you get on with it?

He could wear a Glove but that would definitely only work with a 6mm pad so if the Epic would fit with a 12mm pad and would stay on and not rub then that would make me very happy!


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27 April 2004
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I used to use pads with boots and my 12 mm pads were used in Epics, Backcountry and Backcountry 2016 (the design altered). I found the epics quite difficult to get right for fit, which is why I moved to the BC, as they're more forgiving in fit. Bear in mind you will probably need to size up with a pad. You don't say what your fit kits are, but IMO there are much better boots than the Epics out there, these days.


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24 June 2012
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I used to use pads with boots and my 12 mm pads were used in Epics, Backcountry and Backcountry 2016 (the design altered). I found the epics quite difficult to get right for fit, which is why I moved to the BC, as they're more forgiving in fit. Bear in mind you will probably need to size up with a pad. You don't say what your fit kits are, but IMO there are much better boots than the Epics out there, these days.

Thanks, I have wondered about the back countries actually but haven't got round to trying them for reasons I don't really know. Do you find they work okay? My horse is prone to rubs so I just have to be a bit careful of that.

The fit kits are mostly for lower profile boots such as the Flex and Gloves but obviously I know I couldnt use a thicker pad with those so it would depend on his comfort as well as the fit. I am liking the look of the flex with their softer sole though I must admit. We've already tried pretty much all of the more clumpy ones and they're all okay but all come with their own issues so that's why I'm still looking.

I've used homemade.pads with Epics in the past and they worked fine

Thanks, I'm tempted just to get a pair to hire as you can't get them in a fit kit and at least then if I didn't get on with them I could send them back.


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27 April 2004
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Thanks, I have wondered about the back countries actually but haven't got round to trying them for reasons I don't really know. Do you find they work okay? My horse is prone to rubs so I just have to be a bit careful of that.
They were the only boot I replaced with the same model and never rubbed. I went through probably 4 pairs over the years, as he had EMS so was prone to foot soreness, but his feet grew too fast to make shoes practical. I liked them also because they were easy to apply cleats to, for winter riding on slippy/icy terrain.


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24 June 2012
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They were the only boot I replaced with the same model and never rubbed. I went through probably 4 pairs over the years, as he had EMS so was prone to foot soreness, but his feet grew too fast to make shoes practical. I liked them also because they were easy to apply cleats to, for winter riding on slippy/icy terrain.

Oh now that does sound interesting because one of my big issues is slipping on our clay mud in the winter. Cavallos are good for fit and comfort but they do rub a bit and the grip on them is hopeless even after just a bit of rain. If the back countries don't rub and I can beef up the grip in the winter then they could well be worth a go :)


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31 January 2018
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I have used backcountry, (with pads in but only 6mm and they do take 12mm), and they have never rubbed. Just been on a EGB ride over very difficult terrain, including very stony, two river crossings and soft ground, and they never budged. The only downside is that they don't drain very well and I worry about doing whole day rides, for example, in wet conditions.


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23 December 2010
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I thought the back country shell was the same one as t he glove shell.

You can certainly put 12mm pads in epics. Epics were the original boot and they had to fit everything because that was just about all there was.

I don't understand your comment about the flex, Helen,
If you feel your horse needs a 12mm pad on top of the very thick protective sole of the epic then I wonder even with a pad if the more flexible sole of the flex will be sufficient for you.

The epics stay on and don't rub. Personally I don't like the front down buckle fastening as I find when riding over rocks they have a tendency to ping open without a cotter pin (which I find a PITA to put in each time)
I also cut the back straps out of them as I find it pointless and just another thing to have to deal with when putting them on.


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24 June 2012
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I thought the back country shell was the same one as t he glove shell.

You can certainly put 12mm pads in epics. Epics were the original boot and they had to fit everything because that was just about all there was.

I don't understand your comment about the flex, Helen,
If you feel your horse needs a 12mm pad on top of the very thick protective sole of the epic then I wonder even with a pad if the more flexible sole of the flex will be sufficient for you.

The epics stay on and don't rub. Personally I don't like the front down buckle fastening as I find when riding over rocks they have a tendency to ping open without a cotter pin (which I find a PITA to put in each time)
I also cut the back straps out of them as I find it pointless and just another thing to have to deal with when putting them on.

Thanks and sorry, I don't think I've explained myself very well. My horse has arthritis and so the pads are to help with his comfort with that rather than sole sensitivity. He's actually quite good on most surfaces with his feet and if it weren't for the arthritis I expect we'd only need boots for tougher conditions or maybe not at all. The pads do definitely make a difference to his comfort with his other issues though. So with the flex I thought the nice flexible sole might be more forgiving for him and that's why I was interested in it. For the same reason I've pretty much ruled out things like the Vipers, unless I could force a thick pad into them as I think the hard sole with no padding would not suit him.

Anyway, maybe for this reason the Epics are worth a go. I've seen about the down fastening and the possibility of replacing it with an up one, which makes sense to me. Can you buy the up replacement in the UK? Also interesting to note about the back straps as I had noticed them as something that might rub him.

The back countries do have the same shell as the Gloves, yes, and I think they're meant to only be used with 6mm pads but I think they say you can go up half a size for a more forgiving fit so maybe this is how some people can manage to use thicker ones with them. I guess it's just about finding what works for you. I know some people use 12mm pads in Scoots when you're not meant to but I tried that and it didn't work well for us.


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23 December 2010
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Anyway, maybe for this reason the Epics are worth a go. I've seen about the down fastening and the possibility of replacing it with an up one, which makes sense to me. Can you buy the up replacement in the UK? Also interesting to note about the back straps as I had noticed them as something that might rub him.


good idea in theory, sadly not in practise. The up buckles are no longer made. Don't know why. I contacted easycare just to make sure of that.

The gloves/back countries have the same sole pattern as the epic . However one of the differences is the height. The epics come much higher up the hoof wall than the glove shell. That means if you put a thick pad in the epic it raises the foot out of the boot but there is the available height so it doesn't matter. If you raise the foot with a glove shell then there is not that much height available with the glove.
I hope that makes sense, probably doesn't :D

It depends on the foot shape as to what you can get away with. If you have feet with more vertical height then a thicker pad in the glove/back country may be problematical. If you have a lower, flatter, more splayed hoof it would be easier.
It is not if you get a larger size you can get the hoof in with the 12mm pad. You certainly could do but whether the foot will be "perched" on top of the pad.

I think I would consider looking at the flex and seeing if you can get your pad in and a boot to fit. For an arthritic horse I think they could be a better option.
Also if you can't make them work everyone seems to want flex ATM so you could easily sell them.

I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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I've got a thick pad in flex boots. Pretty sure its not 6mm, and from memory 12mm sounds about right. I will double check. Theres still room for a bigger one either way. I'm really impressed with them and the service from flex themselves. My thin skinned TB wore them 24/7 for 10 days with no rubbing at all and no visible signs of wear :)

Flex seem to advertise them as not being very forgiving fit wise, but I've found the opposite.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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I only found the down buckles on Epics came loose in thick mud. I admit though I pinned them shut with a bent nail on long journeys and I could wriggle them on and off without undoing them. I used to have the 'bare' type fastening in some with the screw and I quite liked that . The Grip type were good too for riding on grass, by far the best traction I've had in a boot


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24 June 2012
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good idea in theory, sadly not in practise. The up buckles are no longer made. Don't know why. I contacted easycare just to make sure of that.

The gloves/back countries have the same sole pattern as the epic . However one of the differences is the height. The epics come much higher up the hoof wall than the glove shell. That means if you put a thick pad in the epic it raises the foot out of the boot but there is the available height so it doesn't matter. If you raise the foot with a glove shell then there is not that much height available with the glove.
I hope that makes sense, probably doesn't :D

It depends on the foot shape as to what you can get away with. If you have feet with more vertical height then a thicker pad in the glove/back country may be problematical. If you have a lower, flatter, more splayed hoof it would be easier.
It is not if you get a larger size you can get the hoof in with the 12mm pad. You certainly could do but whether the foot will be "perched" on top of the pad.

I think I would consider looking at the flex and seeing if you can get your pad in and a boot to fit. For an arthritic horse I think they could be a better option.
Also if you can't make them work everyone seems to want flex ATM so you could easily sell them.

Thanks, you raise some good points there and I do know what you mean about the height of the boot. The horse does have more upright feet so I think that does make it more difficult with jamming pads in and I think that's probably why it didn't work for us with a pad in Scoots.

I think your suggestion to try the flex and then sell them on if they don't work out is a good one. They do seem to be very popular at the moment but that speaks volumes in itself :)

I've got a thick pad in flex boots. Pretty sure its not 6mm, and from memory 12mm sounds about right. I will double check. Theres still room for a bigger one either way. I'm really impressed with them and the service from flex themselves. My thin skinned TB wore them 24/7 for 10 days with no rubbing at all and no visible signs of wear :)

Flex seem to advertise them as not being very forgiving fit wise, but I've found the opposite.

Thanks, this is good to know and helpful to know about the flexibility of the fit too if we do need to experiment a bit. I think my horse might possibly be a bit between two sizes so have you found in that case that the slightly larger size is better?

I only found the down buckles on Epics came loose in thick mud. I admit though I pinned them shut with a bent nail on long journeys and I could wriggle them on and off without undoing them. I used to have the 'bare' type fastening in some with the screw and I quite liked that . The Grip type were good too for riding on grass, by far the best traction I've had in a boot

I do remember you mentioning about the Easyboot Grip in a previous thread where I was asking about boots and I can't help but wonder why they stopped making them given that grip is so often an issue!

As far as the buckles go we don't tend to get thick mud here, more just greasy on the surface. We do have deep sand in places in the beach though so whether that would be challenging or not I don't know.


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27 April 2004
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The gloves/back countries have the same sole pattern as the epic . However one of the differences is the height. The epics come much higher up the hoof wall than the glove shell. That means if you put a thick pad in the epic it raises the foot out of the boot but there is the available height so it doesn't matter

That's changed, then. I originally bought gloves for my boy, but they never stayed on and I converted them to BCs by buying the gaiters and heel cups separately!


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23 December 2010
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Thanks, you raise some good points there and I do know what you mean about the height of the boot. The horse does have more upright feet so I think that does make it more difficult with jamming pads in and I think that's probably why it didn't work for us with a pad in Scoots.

I think your suggestion to try the flex and then sell them on if they don't work out is a good one. They do seem to be very popular at the moment but that speaks volumes in itself :)

Thanks, this is good to know and helpful to know about the flexibility of the fit too if we do need to experiment a bit. I think my horse might possibly be a bit between two sizes so have you found in that case that the slightly larger size is better?

I do remember you mentioning about the Easyboot Grip in a previous thread where I was asking about boots and I can't help but wonder why they stopped making them given that grip is so often an issue!

As far as the buckles go we don't tend to get thick mud here, more just greasy on the surface. We do have deep sand in places in the beach though so whether that would be challenging or not I don't know.

I thought they stopped making the grip because they wore too quickly. Great if you ride solely on mud (when you may not even need boots) but not so good when they have to cope with wear on the roads.

Can I suggest if you try the flex you order 2 pairs then send one back. Much easier to have 2 sizes to experiment with. That is what I normally do when I order a boot and I am not sure of the size.

I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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With Flex, mine has such a lot of distortion as hes not long out of shoes, so hes in the size he measures at, but obviously they arent a perfect tight fit, so I dont think you would have issues sizing up slightly, esp if you want thick pads. Email flex directly, I found them incredibly helpful. I emailed about 8pm on a Sunday night and had a reply at 7.30am on Monday morning!