eBay Fraud - BEWARE!!!

Flashy Photon

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8 February 2013
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So sorry to here, had exactly the same thing happen to me but bought a quad bike, the same senario nobody is accepting responsibility, just lost £1100.00 and ironically I paid through Lloyds Tsb into scammers bank account which was also Barclays :(


9 January 2013
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So sorry to here, had exactly the same thing happen to me but bought a quad bike, the same senario nobody is accepting responsibility, just lost £1100.00 and ironically I paid through Lloyds Tsb into scammers bank account which was also Barclays :(

I have the financial ombudsman involved, plus the police has tracked the fraudster and they are pursuing him, I will get there, it just may take a while ;) LOL

Don't give up!!!


Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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I have the financial ombudsman involved, plus the police has tracked the fraudster and they are pursuing him, I will get there, it just may take a while ;) LOL

Don't give up!!!

I hope you get your money back Fraudsters are true bottom feeders. My mum lost 400k to a so called friend and fraudster. He was 80 years of age.
Do you know how long he was sentenced to for such a large theft ???
Not a single day in jail suspended sentence for two years !!


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8 February 2013
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I was just wondering if there were any updates on the Sophie Blanchett fraudster?


hi my number is 07989444030 please feel free to ring me i have her address and personal details etc police are dealing with this i will help if i can x


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20 April 2013
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Hi - I've been contacted in the last few days by this girl - I haven't paid her anything and its all too good to be true but I've PMd you Clare.


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19 April 2009
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This is only my personal opinion as i have no idea what the law says, i cant understand why the police are not interested in fraud.
the bare bones of this is you only paid your money willingly as you were paying to buy your trailer the fraudster had no intention of suppling said trailer- this is fraud
banks are turning out to be the biggest bunch of crooks
try reading a copy of the banking code of practice, as i understand it you will find a piece that says the bank have to PROVE that you were negligent with your card
also the consumer credit act may be useful
i have found Ebay useless in cases like this, Ebay is not a safe place to shop
honest feedback is important
also i wont use paypal since the site was hacked
i send a cheque this has the added benefit of me having the sellers address and if they wont take a cheque i wont bid, i always message before i bid and ask if they will accept a cheque and im happy to wait for the cheque to clear, this has been good for me so far
good luck


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25 December 2011
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I had someone try to do this with me when buying a caravan, the caravan was advertised on a sales website, I contacted the seller and after several emails decided I was going to buy it, he said he wanted us to do it via ebay for buyer security.
I was apprehensive but decided I would do it. He sent me a very VERY convincing email from ebay, saying I had a reserved lot, then another came through with my invoice, being a little nosy I decided I wanted to see what the advert on ebay looked like to I clicked on one of the blue links.........nothing happened, it wasn't a link!!
So I logged in to ebay and typed in the item number.......non existent!

Well by this time I am laughing like a maniac as I know I have just saved my self several thousand pound, out of sheer curiosity!

I asked ebay to look into it and they told me the emails were fake and as the site wasnt being used it was out of their control. The police counldnt care less as I didnt get scammed, to be honest no one cared every place I reported it to told me that as I wasnt actually out of pocket then they wouldnt do anything!

The only thing that saved me was trying to click on a link and entering an item number in to ebay.

My advice, always ask questions, ask if you can view and leave a deposit at the viewing, and always be curious and show caution, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!
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Well-Known Member
23 October 2012
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Why didn't I find this thread sooner? Small amount involved in my case but am fuming as really can't afford it right now. Bank says already left account (transferred lunchtime today) so won't do anything. I only realised as the cheeky b**** had taken photos to send to me off an item I was watching on eBay (i looked out of interest this afternoon again to see what some of the similar bridles went for and then did a double take at photos of the one that matched the ones she texted me).


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29 January 2009
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Can i say someone very nearly conned me out of hundreds of pounds. I put down a deposit for a field shelter, paid by paypal and the delivery date kept getting put back until eventually id had enough and told him i was ringing the police if he didnt give me my money back. I got it all back, police said it was only cos id paid with paypal that he refunded me, many people gave a cheque and never saw their money again. Last i heard trading standards were taking him to court but i never heard the outcome. So beware cos he has a field shelter website and maybe he still crops up on ebay.


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23 October 2012
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Anyone got more details on dear Miss Blanchett please? Am reporting her to police tomorrow so would be helpful to go straight to whichever department is dealing with your cases rather than wasting more time. Thanks.


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12 May 2009
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Reply to anyone asking questions about Sophie blanchett. Sorry I very rarely come on here but am shocked how many PM's I've received about this girl steeling money from people. Update on her I got my money back as I tracked her family down and they paid me, her family is fully aware of there daughters behaviour and what she is doing but will not hand her in to police. It's a very sad situation and this 18 year girl has stolen hundred if not thousands of pounds off people, BUYER BEWARE


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23 October 2012
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I also got my money back but only after doing a LOT of research on her; I managed to find out her full home address, where she keeps her horse and competes and address where her Dad runs his business from. When she realised that I obviously had all the details I needed to turn up on her doorstep unannounced she stumped up the refund but it wasted a lot of my time and was very frustrating.

Very silly girl; she is obviously from a good background and it is only a matter of time before she does it to the wrong person who will take matters into their own hands which could get nasty for her or enough people report her to the police to get a result. People get very strong emotions when they have been ripped off and lied to; I felt annoyed enough over my small amount so I can imagine if you've handed over hundreds for an 'imaginary' saddle or similar then someone of less personal control might decide payback on their own terms is a good way to deal with her.

It's almost worse when it's someone who can clearly afford their own things ripping you off. I can't understand why the parents have not put a rocket up her backside and stopped it if it has been a continual thing. The girl clearly has issues.


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23 October 2012
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I contacted the local equestrian website (that I had placed my 'wanted' advert on) warning them about her but they were unwilling to post names due to libel etc (fair enough) unless it went further with police etc so just sent out a general note to users saying not to do business unless by Paypal if items needed to be posted.


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29 November 2007
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People need to be aware,the best way to protect ourselves is to pay some of the money by credit card. This protects you,even if you pay the outstanding balance by other means,as it forms Part of the consumer credit act, and should the transaction not only turn out to be fraudulent,but if it fails, or is not as described amongst other things,your credit card company has to sort it out,and in the event of fraud,refund you. Your bank debit card does NOT give you the same protection.
Obviously,individual people,do not normally accept cards.
There is not a 100% way to protect yourself in this instance,but never send cash to a bank account,or use and transfer without seeing the goods(especially for large sums,which the fraudsters tend to use).
I would,as I mention above,send or take a cheque to use as a deposit.
Then,when you have both seen the goods do exist,and satisfied yourself they and the documentation is as genuine as you can,go to your bank,with the vendor.
The reason for this is partly as genuine vendor won't mind,partly the bank will have everything on CCTV,so if the worst happens,the police will hopefully co operate,and request to see the CCTV, and it also protects genuine sellers,who will be assured the fund have been sent so they can check their account has received them before releasing the goods. The bank staff are trained to some degree to spot suspicious transactions,and it is easier for this reason,if the customer is in front of them. Along with the receiving party. Some will always slip through,just by the nature of the scam,but we have stopped customers parting with their money on occasions. As you are sending it of your own free will,however,if you really want to,the bank can't stop you.
These fraudsters know every trick in the book,and many many more besides,and the way they work is similar to brain washing- they will seem genuine and completely plausible whilst somehow profiling their victim to suck them in.
Hope this helps a little.
I have seen the effects they have on customers sadly too many times,and many have lost their life savings. The way the fraudsters work,brain washing if you like,the customers believe them over the bank staff. It can be sad and traumatic for the staff,too,to deal with these situations but be helpless to stop it.

But bear in mind that if you pay with credit card but via Paypal, the bank won't be interested if it goes wrong which means you have about a month or so to claim via PayPal rather than the 6 years you have if you paid directly via credit card. Or at least that's what my bank claimed (and I had worked for them for 15 years...). So just cos PayPal is debuting your credit card, that isn't enough, you need to pay direct to get the full years of protection, otherwise bank says their part is paying PayPal for their service, which they have done and the purchase contract is with PayPal....

As it was only 125 pounds I didn't pursue it although I'm not sure it's legally right - but that's the approach they take.

Also take care with expensive agricultural or motor items advertised as being in N of Scotland, they may be genuine but currently fraudsters are doing this so that people wont come and view the (in fact non existent ) item. We caught out a mini digger fraud like this recently cos we are IN N Scotland and said we would come to view it....cue much squirming and emails saying various rubbish about eBay invoices etc - it was reported to eBay, it is known they have been doing this with multiple high ticket items including motors, plant and machinery and agricultural items.


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4 September 2010
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I had someone wanted to meet me off the M4 with a horse-trailer, I'd been the underbidder and they sent me a 'last chance to buy' message or something similar, they asked me to transfer the money by Western Union. I smelt a rat and did a bit of detective work, the address was somewhere in the East End of London. I emailed them and asked for another photo of the trailer and where did they keep it in the East End (I'd Googled the street, blocks of council flats), strange to say I had no reply, so I reported them to Ebay for fraud.
Happy days.


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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I had someone wanted to meet me off the M4 with a horse-trailer, I'd been the underbidder and they sent me a 'last chance to buy' message or something similar, they asked me to transfer the money by Western Union. I smelt a rat and did a bit of detective work, the address was somewhere in the East End of London. I emailed them and asked for another photo of the trailer and where did they keep it in the East End (I'd Googled the street, blocks of council flats), strange to say I had no reply, so I reported them to Ebay for fraud.
Happy days.

That's a good point. Western Union is I'm sure a very respectable money transfer system, but the lack of traceability of the recipient of the money once its gone makes it absolutely the system of choice for (ESP overseas) fraudsters. The use of Western Union rather than the more usual payment channels would in itself make me (as it sounded it did you!) suspicious in itself to go and do more checking.
4 February 2022
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I am really sorry to hear what's happened to you, I know how you must be feeling because exactly the same thing happened to me with a 60x40 steel framed building i paid £4000 for to ieuan aled owen in wales who never supplied it.

You can start a claim at "moneyclaimsonline", this will get you a county court judgement against your fraudster. The court will eventually order them to repay you, but the fraudster can ignore that judgement and not bother to pay, which is what ieuan owen is doing in my case. Next step will be court bailiff but in my case I have put a debt collector after him now, they will start seeing him face to face regularly to try to enforce the debt but i am not holding my breath.

Ebay told me to report it to police as fraud but police say not enough evidence. Ebay seem to only protect the seller.

Google his name, find out as much as you can about him and use it to your advantage.

Ieuan Aled Owen, NW Fabrication Services, has a girlfriend called Vicki Small , Small Steps Animal Training, I wonder how they spent my money while my horses stand in the mud without their shed and my kids wonder why Christmas was so poor? Barstewards.

Ebay should take far more responsibility, they have all sellers details and could do something with the sellers bank to get the victims money back. But they won't bother, as it's not their money.

Hi All,
I am new on here and would like to revive this thread. The moderators have advised me about posting about legal matters So won’t mention any names or specifics .Basically, the above character is still up to scams and I have been done. I am trying to collate information to strengthen a case . I n the nine years elapsed between the above and now there must be others and have there been any favourable outcomes .? Thanks .


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5 July 2022
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Hi All,
I've just been victim to an eBay fraud advertising trailers on eBay under someone else's account.

They raised an, what I thought to be a genuine, eBay invoice with all the right graphics and links for me to pay the money by bank transfer.

Found out 30 minutes after the transfer it was a fraud. Phoned the bank, Lloyds TSB, and they said because I paid the money willingly, they won't help and are not liable.

Phoned Barclays (where the fraudster has their account), they are not doing anything, because apparently the fraudster has the right to privacy and the money is now his.

Phoned eBay, they said nothing to do with them (even though as I had found out the REAL holder of the eBay account had already reported that her eBay account had been hacked into, but had just been told to change her password!!!

Phoned the police - nothing to do with them!!!

Phoned Action Fraud - logged a cased - they said it would most likely not be pursued!!!


Thanks for listening :)
Have you thought about putting all the info you have together and representing yourself at the small claims court. If they don’t show up to court they lose automatically and you legally win the money and all court costs paid by the fraudster. Also search on Facebook for more info- there are groups for people that have suffered in this way and you may find others who have had the same scam happen to them by the same con man or woman. I’ve won at small claims before the process is very easy. Poor you it’s just awful. I hope you get your moneys back xx


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Have you thought about putting all the info you have together and representing yourself at the small claims court. If they don’t show up to court they lose automatically and you legally win the money and all court costs paid by the fraudster. Also search on Facebook for more info- there are groups for people that have suffered in this way and you may find others who have had the same scam happen to them by the same con man or woman. I’ve won at small claims before the process is very easy. Poor you it’s just awful. I hope you get your moneys back xx

This thread is over nine years old.

The Bouncing Bog Trotter

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7 December 2008
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New users often go in for a bit of thread necromancy.

Maybe the new user did a search on the name of the person who has just defrauded them and came upon this post?? NaHB I am sorry if this is the case for you, those that have commented on this post will get an alert so hopefully any that are still here may reply to you.


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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Maybe the new user did a search on the name of the person who has just defrauded them and came upon this post?? NaHB I am sorry if this is the case for you, those that have commented on this post will get an alert so hopefully any that are still here may reply to you.

Yes, you might be right.

But also, I just looked at the first part of this thread and it turns out to be about Ieuan Aled Owen. There's been another recently resuscitated thread about this crook pocketing the money and then not building the metal structures promised. Maybe Oreo&Amy had been reading that other thread and searched for the villain's name.