Well-Known Member
Hi Just wondered if anyone has experience of grazing a pony on a paddock that has been sprayed with weedkiller (glyphosphate) to kill the grass. It was done a month ago and what's left of the grass is shrivelled up yellow / brown stuff so definitely dead now and manufacturers say its safe for animals after 10-14 days ( it's been a month). I'm just wondering if I need to strip graze it so pony doesn't get too much in one go, worried about if there's any sugar left for her to consume as she gas EMS. The front of the paddock is woodchipped so she has enough space to go out and then gradually extend the fence out but if there's no value and no harm then obviously I don't need to inch it out bit by bit. For context though even on woodchips if she has unsoaked hay she gets cresty so don't want to let her loose if the dead stuff still has as much sugar as hay would have.