Enthusiasm malfunction


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Sunny Bournemouth!
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Think I've lost my enthusiasm... and quite a bit of confidence too :(

All started when I fell off on the main road, then 3 weeks later pony fell over on the road after a close encounter with two 4x4s towing boats. I've never been so scared, never. He's fine, just minor cuts and scrapes. (they didn't stop, have reported the accident to all relevant peoples).

I haven't ridden since he fell over. I've lunged him once. It's been nearly two weeks. Feeling pretty down in the dumps about it all and feel like I'm really failing him-He's 4 and I don't want him to get worse/lose confidence because I'm not riding.

Please can I have a big bucket of enthusiasm and a slap? He's my world. Just seem to find it too easy to busy myself doing other things at the moment!


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20 July 2012
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Did he fall because he got a massive fright? Just ride in the area or wherever you are comfortable for now. How about doing some bombproof training in hand for traffic too.


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1 May 2007
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Find one small thing you want him to learn - how to stand still while you mount, a halt to walk transition and back again, a perfect circle, a rein back, whatever. And go and do just that. And again, and another until you feel you can build to two things, then a small pootle out of the yard and so on. Build again from the tiniest steps and FfionWinnie's advice about in hand traffic proofing is great too, you will find your mojo coming back after that lot gets boring :)

Jill Crewe

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22 April 2008
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Oh poor you and him - glad you are both okay. Have you got someone who can help you until you get back on track? Either an instructor or just a friend, having moral support really helps. Like others have said, just start off with small things that you feel comfier doing and take the pressure off yourself a bit. Good Luck with it :)


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3 April 2008
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I think everyone has enthusiasm malfunctions (love that and am determined to use it where ever possible!) from time to time but you've had a really scary experience and its totally understandable.
Do you have someone who might be willing to walk on foot with you? Or even just accompany you on a very quiet horse which will give yours confidence?
It's the idea of getting back on I found scary after my last fall, a series of 3 really dented my enthusiasm and confidence. I literally forced myself to get back on. I was terrified but once I was on and left the yard things slipped back into place.
Good luck but don't rush it, there's no need to push yourself before you feel ready and tbh breaks often do horses a world of good xx


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12 October 2008
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i dont think its enthusiasm...more like the dent in confidence...
i would try to get back on asap. the longer u leave it the harder its going to get...
can u find some experienced riders (like an instructor) to ride your horse (or go out with someone so u wont be alone)???
seriouslly, get back on soonnnnnnn


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17 April 2013
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It's hard when you have a confidence knock like this, especially when something scary has happened, it means you worry about the horse's confidence too.

If it means being led by a friend or a family member and them talking you through everything and wearing every safety item possible (like I needed!) then do it! You'll end up feeling confident enough to slowly start reducing the help.


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9 March 2011
Sunny Bournemouth!
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Thank you for all the replies :)

Have had a bit of an emotional meltdown this morning! Boyfriend has given me a stern talking to and told me grow up and get on with it! So that's what I'm going to do!

I'm finding it quite tricky as I'm always on my own. Think tomorrow I'll lunge him then have a ride around the school. It's currently surrounded by very scary cows so that could be exciting...He's been learning about leg yielding so that's something to focus on, and getting our halts as square as square can be!

Then think I'll take him out for a walk in hand in the afternoon down the road and back. He's great in traffic but think I need to reassure myself of that! If I'm feeling brave on sunday I might ask my dad if he'll come and walk next to us round our usual route, mum's away and dad doesn't normally do horses but i'll try!

I was hoping to have a few lessons but starting uni on monday and have just had to fork out a ridiculous amount for essential text books :( lessons will have to wait for a few weeks!

Thank you for all the advice, nice to know I'm not alone! We've been practising his carrot stretches this week, he's a pro now ;)

Jill Crewe

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22 April 2008
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Ahh that's nice that your boyf is supportive - can you get him to come and giev you moral support while you ride?

Dad is defo next best thing - when I get my first pony my Dad use to cycle everywhere with me!

Good Luck with it all tomorrow - keep us updated, maybe do a blog/regular updates whilst you get yourself back on track - that way we can give you virtual moral support and it might help keep the momentum going!


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Sunny Bournemouth!
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Afternoon all! Just incase anyone is bothered just thought I'd do a little update!

I started uni two weeks ago so been mega busy! :D

My confidence is back and we're on fire in the school! Even did our first ever jump last night!!

Hacking out at the weekend I think, with the nights coming in earlier now it's hard to get out during the week. Thank you for all the support and advice, really is very much appreciated