Epic update


Well-Known Member
4 April 2008
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Well I havent posted for a while as I have been manically busy orgainising our RC Area Horse Trials but I have still managed to get out and about with my boy.

We have been concentrating on getting out x-c and teaching him its fun and that people and cars are not scary, we have been having lessons with Bill Levett, he is a brilliant trainer and so far I have had 4 sessions with him at different courses, going from having to walk over tiny logs to jumping 80/90 fences, he cant believe the improvement. The latest session was at Keysoe this was the biggest fence we had jumped so far,

I know I need to go forward more but he was being rather keen.

Then I decided to go to a local low key HT most of the fences were hunt jumps, it was rather interesting as there were sheep in the fields and big piles of weeds (I nearly tested my new hit air on these rather than the fences). after the first 3 fences he was brilliant, wasnt keen on the water but went through it eventually.

Then on to Monday, with a bit of encouragement I decided not not only pretty much single handedly run a ODE of 230 horses but also to pop my horse round the 80 Hunter trial. The ground wasnt bad but not like anything he had ever jumped in before so I went out with the idea to see how he felt and pull up if needed, I put on slightly bigger spurs and he had a few big bucks in the warm up. went out the start box feeling fab the worst of the ground were the start/finish, he ate it up and felt fab, I'm going to have to learn to sit and wait abit more now as he has started to really take me at some of the fences. He came round to the water and tried to lock on to the BE100 prewater fence, I managed to get him round it, and we had to walk throught he water as he still isnt that keen but he went so I was happy. We finished with 11.6 time which considering the ground and walking through the water we would have been pretty close, so Im happy.

Love my faces!!!

Today I had a fab flat lesson and he is getting so much stronger, so the plan is to do a couple of BE80T's first is planned to be Carlton then MK, if all goes well we will try Little Downham in October. We are also going to affiliate BD in August and try to qualify for the winters, but we will see what happens.

Thanks for reading!!!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2009
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Ooh he is lovely!

Great report too, well done on the improvements with him, sounds like you have both come on so much :)


Well-Known Member
4 April 2008
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Thanks both of you, he is such a star and it makes training him so easy. I think he is just so glad to have a job after having 9 years of not doing much.

I'm a little bit smitten with the ginger beast!