EPSM - reaction to grazing change - any ideas?


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24 August 2008
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Firstly, I'm new to the board, so hello and thanks for reading. I have a 17hh Warmblood who was diagnosed with Equine Polysaccharide storage myopathy in February. Diet changes are sorting out most of the issues, plus daily massage before work. However, one of the things I have really noticed is how much he reacts to a grazing change. My field is split in two and i rest each half for three months while using the other half and then swap over. My young horse gets a little excited when we first switch onto the 'new' grass (he's warmblood too) but the older one turns into the spookiest, scarediest cat in the world. He sees things that aren't there and tries to run away from them, he gets scared about going into his own stable and snorts as he goes in, if his feed bucket still happens to be in his stable at night when he is brought in he snorts and quivers - but when the grass dies down again, he goes back to being fairly calm and sensible. I think he gets a massive sugar rush from the fresh grass - it's like having a child that's high on E-Numbers. I need to run the fields this way because of how one end gets particularly waterlogged at certain times of the year, so what I need to try to work out is whether there is anything I can give him/do to help counteract the immediate effect of all the sugar in the grass. Any ideas anyone?


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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How about putting a grazing muzzle on when he 1st goes on the new grass, so his grazing is restricted, till he's had chance to adjust and the grass has been grazed off a bit.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2007
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Or possibly getting some electrics and sectioning him off a little patch which you make gradually bigger until there's a sensible amount of grass??
Same problem with my chap. EPSM - he goes doolally if he gets any short green grass. If it gets long and stalky it's fine!
Does he have to stay out for as long? Not ideal but perhaps for first few days on new grass give him a bit less turnout?


Well-Known Member
26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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Feed hay or Hi fi Lite before turning out into 'new' grass
Feed rules say make changes slowly--spend a week or more changing over, out for several hours in 'old' section then only one hour in new to start with