Equestrian crossing across new junction on dual carridgeway?


Well-Known Member
3 January 2007
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Where would I go to get support in approaching the highway agency to have an equestrian crossing over a dual carridgeway?

Our yard goes straight of road but we also ride up the lane and across a dual carridgeway (40mph) onto some residential streets before joining back onto a bridleway... Our local council are building a swimming pool just off this junction and the turning looks set to become a junction with pedestrian and cyclist crossings included. The lane is heavily used by walkers, runners, cyclists and of course riders, it is a 30mph dead end road to properties only... but with a new olympic pool being installed the junction will see traffic increase 100 fold.

I want to get the support of the BHS but I am also looking for other help in installing a safe system for horse riders and cyclists to cross over without using the same space as motorised vehicles... as it says above... help!!!


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1 July 2009
South Gloucestershire
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Get in touch with the BHS, they are very helpful and will forward anything on to the local council.

I hope you get a positive outcome :)

ETA: If they need to see proof people want it make an online petition and put a link on HHO ;)


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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I think you will struggle - we have to cross a road to get to out turnout and when I first went to this yard 18 years ago it was a country lane now its laden with heavy traffic and very dangerous to cross.
Our yard tried hard to get some sort of crossing but they didnt want to know and were told that it would take 2 fatalities for something like that to be introduced:eek:


Well-Known Member
3 January 2007
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I think you will struggle - we have to cross a road to get to out turnout and when I first went to this yard 18 years ago it was a country lane now its laden with heavy traffic and very dangerous to cross.
Our yard tried hard to get some sort of crossing but they didnt want to know and were told that it would take 2 fatalities for something like that to be introduced:eek:

Sorry to hear about your response. Hopefully we may have some more luck as the junction is currently just a slip road and a central 'holding' point for the turning but with the pool being installed the council are going to be putting in a four way traffic light system with pedestrian crossings (and yes there have been fatalities on this stretch within the last two years :( )


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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Thats a shame but will help you alot - there is a new ride at our local country park which installed a horse crossing parallel to the pedestrian crossing - it even has the picture of a horse walking in place of a person!


Well-Known Member
3 January 2007
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Just found out that they are called Pegasus crossings and will be put in next to pedestrian and cyclist crossings - at least I now know what to call the petition now if one is needed!!!


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
You need to get in touch with your local county BHS Bridleway/Access Officer and ask for their assistance If you contact me by E-mail on peter.natt@btinternet.com and let me know which Town and County you are in I will send you their name and contact details.

With all these things you need to get in at the early stages when a scheme is first proposed so that the Pegasus crossing/bridleway bridge/bridleway subway can be included within the plans of the development.

Peter Natt BHS volunteer Bridleway Officer


Well-Known Member
3 January 2007
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You need to get in touch with your local county BHS Bridleway/Access Officer and ask for their assistance If you contact me by E-mail on peter.natt@btinternet.com and let me know which Town and County you are in I will send you their name and contact details.

With all these things you need to get in at the early stages when a scheme is first proposed so that the Pegasus crossing/bridleway bridge/bridleway subway can be included within the plans of the development.

Peter Natt BHS volunteer Bridleway Officer

Thank you Peter, I have emailed you... we are just over the border from yourself on the Herts/Beds/Luton intersection :)


Well-Known Member
5 September 2009
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Our bridleways group has managed to have 2 pegasus crossings put in on two busy roads, on is on a duel carriageway. So definately get in touch with your local BW group, also get as many people as you can to petition your local council.


Well-Known Member
3 January 2007
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This is reply I have just received for the road adjustments that will be started in the next few weeks...
Apologies for the delay in replying, people are harder to get hold of in the run up to Christmas. I’ve checked the final approved design and the Pegasus crossing hasn’t been included. Our consultant engineers highlighted a number of issues with incorporating the crossing into the design:
• According to the Ordnance Survey mapping there are no existing bridleway facilities at this location. True as the lane is currently only used as access to a small number of properties and farmland
• There is an existing underpass under the A505 near Lilley Hoo Farm that provides a connection between the bridleway routes to the north and south of the A505 and also provides a safe crossing from the north to access the location of the Offley Show without the need to cross the A505 at the Butterfield Green Road / Cannon Lane junction. This is 1.1 miles down the dual carridgeway and a 3 mile route if going along byways/farm tracks from the yard!
• If a Pegasus equestrian crossing is to be provided would a bridleway facility also be required at the southern end of Butterfield Green Road to provide an off the carriageway route for equestrians in the vicinity of the Aquatic Centre? I think that road improvements need to be incorporated here up to the point of the new centre
• The design of a Pegasus equestrian crossing normally requires that corals / holding areas are provided each side of the crossing and in the central reservation area, for equestrians to wait the signal to cross, and this would need a review the layout to determine how these could be accommodated. That was the whole point of raising an inclusion of the pegasus crossing at the start of 2011!

Given the additional costs that hadn’t been allowed for in the budget, we decided that the addition of the crossing wasn’t appropriate. I can provide a copy of the design if you want but, as we don’t have an electronic copy, it will take a little longer. Please contact me if you have any queries.


Where to now!!!