Equine ghosts?

Dizzy socks

Well-Known Member
18 March 2012
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So, just musing as stuck in a foreign country for another 8 days and feeling very homesick, has anyone ever seen a ghost horse/had an equine psychic experience?

Or any ghostly experience at all tbh.


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1 August 2010
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Sorry Dizzy, I haven't - though I sometimes have very moving dreams about horses I've known - but just wanted to reply to give you a bit of moral support - its horrid being abroad and homesick :) xx

Fun Times

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9 January 2014
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I have had very vivid dreams of horses shortly after they have died, as if in some way it was as though they were saying goodbye. I also had something similar after my grandad died. I suspect its more of a subconscious coping mechanism though, rather than a spooky experience.


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22 June 2005
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Not a ghost but I believe he may of contacted me.
The three nights after his death I had three unusual experiences , the first was like a bell ringing I had the whole house up looking for the cause but we never did figure it out, the only thing it could of been is his curb chain on his bridle which was hanging in my room , the second night a fly was buzzing round my face and woke me up . Not unusual really apart from it being December ! And the third night the last rosette we won fell off the side.
Difficult to say if it was him or not but very odd occurances.
He also vists me in dreams not very often but when he has I almost expect to see him at the yard in the morning. There very vivid and I always feel like I've spent the day with him .
The last one he was in a field and a friend of the family I brought him off who had recently passed over was there (not someone I would dream of) and they where happy together showing me around the field that was sometime ago now.
Other people up my yard have seen horses in the feilds who where not accounted for but in the fifteen years I've been there Ive never witnessed anything !!


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11 April 2014
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I have got goose bumps over my spine reading this thread, does that mean all those horse spirits out there are surrounding me whilst reading this.

There was a racecourse in Mufalira in Zambia and on one bend it was said a horse in a race had died there, flat racing, anyway not sure if it was because us humans think of things like ghosts but the racecourse closed and they used the venie for a big 3 day event every year, similar to badminton and it meant crossing this area of the old racetrack and honestly having experienced it myself and listened to other riders, horses always seemed to get funny there, suddenly they wanted to pick up speed and were spooky, so who knows, was it just coincidence or brought on by the riders knowledge of the place

Dizzy socks

Well-Known Member
18 March 2012
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Sorry Dizzy, I haven't - though I sometimes have very moving dreams about horses I've known - but just wanted to reply to give you a bit of moral support - its horrid being abroad and homesick :) xx

Thanks for that - it's not great fun, I have to admit.

As for the other stories - these are great. It really makes you wonder...


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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4 years ago, the mare in my avatar was pts, before her time. Of all the horses we have lost, she is the one I miss the most, thinking about her makes me very sad.

About 2 years ago, I was sheltering in the yard during a thunderstorm. I just happened to be stood outside her old stable, there was a really loud clap of thunder and above the noise, I heard her very distinctive neigh, really clearly.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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My nan told me about a ghost horse once. She was walking home from the town social (how cute) and heard a car behind her and stepped in and turned around to watch it go by and a horse jumped out of a field and got hit by the car, but the car didn't stop and she couldn't find the horse. She also told me of a black man who used to help her with the cleaning!

I saw a ghost of a captain looking type man at a boat dock lol

Shooting Star

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18 October 2011
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I used to be on diy at a yard that was next door to an Inn that was built in the 12th century and some parts of the yard were pretty ancient too including where my stable was.

Several times in the early morning when I'd been the first to arrive I called out 'morning' or a similar greeting to the person that walked past my box from the old barn towards the old dairy... Then went to empty the wheelbarrow a few minutes later to find that I was still the only person on the yard and the yard owner was not yet up!


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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Shortly after having my horse Red pts, I clearly saw her standing under the trees, it was of course just in my mind, wishful thinking but it made me happy
to think she was still around.
The night after my Nan died I was asleep in her flat I was woke up by the feeling of hands tucking the covers around me. I of course jumped up
with my heart in my mouth, I then clearly remember thinking oh its only Nan. I then just laid back down and went to sleep. It was of course
just a dream, but the next day I asked her not to do it again as I was not sure I could take it. Not that she would have hurt me. I never dream
about her now, I often dream about being in her flat.


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1 May 2010
Rothbury Northumberland
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I've had lots of spooky experiences, I'm not physic, just seem to be sensitive to happenings, the last one was three years ago, affected everyone around me and my horses, it scared me wittless and I avoid anything physic now, it was so bad I was advised to bring in a priest and that was by a top physic trying to help, scary, scary stuff


Well-Known Member
14 September 2009
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The morning after I lost my pony I heard her whinny as clear as day. My friend who was with me, also heard it. She's been quiet since, but I'm sure it was her way of saying 'I'm ok and I'll see you when you get here'
Might be nothing, but my other horse has picked up a few of her traits, which does make you wonder.
Really want to speak to a physic because it would be nice to understand how she hurt herself prior to her being PTS.


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26 April 2009
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Speaking of ghostly experiences in general, I've always been of the mentality that 'yeah, you see what you're looking to see' and if you're missing someone (animal or human), your mind can play tricks on you/have you believe you've seen something etc. etc.

A few years ago, my dad and his girlfriend went away to Yorkshire (I believe) and stayed at a guesthouse. My dad played in a small band and he'd taken his guitar with him. His girlfriend was in and out of the bathroom getting ready and my dad was just sitting there staring into space, strumming his guitar and not really paying much attention. He shouted through to his OH and (excuse the cliche) said 'ooh, quick, come through; hasn't it gone cold in here?'

She went back into the bathroom and as my dad was looking across the room towards the mirror, he noticed a sort of haze and the best way he could describe it was by saying it was like a blurred sort of figure. He said it was very much blink and you miss it. No sooner was it there in front of him, it phased out into nothingness. He also said it was definitely someone dressed in old-style clothes but couldn't tell if it was a man wearing a hat with a beard or a woman in a shawl.

My dad isn't one to mince his words. He's never been into flakey this and that and is very much an old school black is black and white is white kind of person.

I realise none of you know him as a person but the very fact he told me he has seen one, kind of confirms in my mind that they do exist. Basically if you were going to believe anyone, it would be him.

The staff also confirmed (after he told them later in the stay) that it was haunted.


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6 April 2008
Badiddlyboing, Odawidaho
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Not horsey, but my young Dobermann used to drink out of the toilet (as they do).

Four nights after he was sadly hit by a car and died, I was woken in the night by the sound of a dog drinking out of the toilet. I swear it was his way of letting me know he was OK.


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11 November 2013
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Not horsey, and not a specific ghost as such, I'm afraid, but remember going to play in some woods near where some family were staying, and we were visiting. Amazing place for us young ones (long time ago!) - tumble-down buildings, over-grown, etc. Lovely summer's day, warm and calm. Found very exciting shed to play in, old-fashioned bus parked in it, soon as my brother and I walked in, we just felt cold and didn't want to play any more. My aunt took us back. We were only young at the time so it was only when I was older that mum told me when my aunt had explained where we'd been and why we'd suddenly scarpered that someone local had told them a murder had taken place there.


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1 December 2011
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Years ago I was doing up feeds in my tack room when I heard a hoof scrapeing on the stable floor....the way some paw the floor when impatient....I shouted 'stop it' then realised none of the horses were in and none of them pawed anyway, I went and looked to see if there was anyone about and then checked the time and continued doing the feeds and went off to work...I was on night shifts... About four hours later I got a call from my first horses new owners to tell me he had been out to sleep at the time I had heard the scrapeing,he was also the only horse I'd had who scraped the floor at meal times. I'm sure it was him come to say goodbye. :(


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5 August 2011
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I'm often last on my yard in the winter. When making up feeds, I often hear horses eating hay in the stables next door. When I go through to speak to them, there's nothing there. I never feel frightened though.


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7 June 2009
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My beloved boy was pts in 2008, way before his time, i still cry thinking of him. At the time i had another boy who i loved and they were literally the best of friends.

The year anniversary of his death, he went into the field as normal, the spot where halo was sadly pts, right above it there was a star so bright, my boy ran down to that exact spot, whinned his call to Halo which i hadnt heard since the day he died.
It was very touching and eerie.


Well-Known Member
9 March 2013
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Not so much a ghost sighting, but a dream, not long after my grandmother died, I had a very life like dream, in my dream, I dreamt that I was talking to my grandmother, but she was in the form of one of my horses, I was clinging onto my horses neck crying saying I didn't want her to go, and she was saying she was fine and happy now, it was like my horse was my grandma, and in my dream it felt normal, I wasn't surprised or anything, it was normal. I woke up crying, but I felt happy and a lot more at peace with my grandmas death, it was almost comforting to know that she'd chosen to speak to me via my pony, it felt so real it was strange. I've always had a connection with this particular horse and she's always been very affectionate, I know it was just a dream, but it's strange how your mind works. I still have my pony and it's nice to think of my grandma being connected to her in some way, be it in my dream or not x😊


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20 April 2009
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A pony i used to know and groom daily was very old when he was pts and very much a mischief maker :p
I was walking home the evening i found out he had been pts, and i could hear his shuffly hoof beats (had cushings and arthritis so shuffled rather than strode out towards the end)

Don't know if it was just my brain replying old sounds but if there are ghost horses around he would be the first to creep up on you :p


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28 May 2011
West Sussex
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I haven't experienced any ghostly happenings, but sometimes I do suddenly get the strongest feeling that either my old horse or my dog are standing beside me. Almost as if I could reach out and touch them. I don't know if it's my mind wishing them to be there but it always seems to happen at completely random moments when I'm not thinking of them, nothing seems to trigger it. One of them will just 'be there' and then they're gone. It always knocks me for six as it's so unexpected.

I've seen shapes in the clouds before that make me think of them. The day after we lost the dog, I popped out to pick up some bits from the high street and as I was driving home noticed a big paw print shaped cloud in a clear sky. Again, it could be my mind playing tricks on me, but I like to think to was Casper letting me know he's still there.


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26 April 2007
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The first yard I worked at had a lovely row of inside stalls which were at least victorian but possibly older. At the end of the corridor was a loose box.
We took it in turns to do a late night finishing off after the last lesson so I was alone on the yard.We each had our own blocks to look after,horses to turn out etc.
One night I was checking round and was walking into the doorway of the stalls when a horse whickered to me from the loose box in that 'I've been forgotten,please turn me out' sort of way.
I said a very rude word about the person who should have turned their horses out and hadn't. I picked up a headcollar to get it and walked down to the box. I was gobsmacked to find it empty.
I can remember standing there holding the headcollar with creeps up my spine. The rational part of me made me go outside and check round the back of the block for escapee horses but there was nothing there. At least the horse sounded friendly but I was never quite so comfortable doing late nights again!
The house was 13th century so a lot of history had gone though those buildings. That was 25 years ago and it's still an experience that's as clear as day.

Pie's mum

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16 January 2012
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On my first yard there used to be two black cobby type mares who were in the same field as Pie. One of them was taken very ill, was taken up to the vet hospital in Bristol but sadly never came home.
Some weeks later I went down the field to bring Pie in, I always do a head count to make sure all the horses were accounted for - just in case. Noticed the black cobby mare off to the left grazing. Looked up to the right where the rest if the herd were. Black cobby mare was up there with them. Looked back to original horse feeling confused to find she had vanished! There was no way she could have moved that distance in the time it took me to turn my head....


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5 February 2010
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I am a Community Physio working in a Rehab team

A few years ago we were asked to train new carers to move a very elderly lady who had had a stroke. The care agency was having difficulty getting carers to visit this lady as she needed overnight care and they had experienced strange noises etc that had spooked them.
We took our student on the visit but did not tell her about the alleged hauntings.
When we arrived the house was beautiful and old. The next carer was not there and we started the lady's exercise programme. While we we doing this the student went out of the room and we heard her going upstairs.
The carer arrived and the training was completed. Afterwards in the car we were reminding the student that we do not go in other parts of patients houses unless it is necessary and with permission first when she told us about the noises she had heard. She had assumed at first it was the carer and wanted to tell her where we were but as she got upstairs it had sounded like children running about in little boots. She had also heard a lady's voice. This was exactly what we had been told the carers were also hearing!
Clearly I am not a bit spiritual - didn't hear a thing.

Old Bat

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21 August 2009
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I had to have our homebred put to sleep at the age of five around five years ago, she was a very strong character and left a great legacy behind her....to this day when I am in the empty yard and especially when mixing up feeds I get the very strong smell of fresh warm horse poo from the stable next to the feed room which was hers. Bless her!