equine nutrition - advice!


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26 February 2021
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1) has anyone ever taken an online equine nutrition class that they found useful, i am interested in this and also planning on doing something related for my EPQ!
2) have you ever had an equine nutritionist for your horse? i'd love your thoughts, prices, is it worth it, anyone good in the north east? i look and look for hours about all feeds and being a bad decision maker find it really hard to choose and when i do im not happy with my choice! there are so many options!!


Well-Known Member
22 August 2019
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There's a free one here which is really good.


Dr Kellon writes loads of good articles - worth a search. She also does online classes. Gotcha Equine is another good website.

Clare mcleod (sp?) is an independent nutritionist with loads of info on her FB page about good and bad balancers etc. I was going to book a consultation but she wanted grazing / hay analysis so I decided against it

Not sure most people need a nutritionist tbh. Every horse will benefit from a low sugar and starch diet, plus a good balancer (progressive earth, forage plus, equinaturals etc). Most of the feed store ones are pretty rubbish specs and contain things you may not want like alfalfa and mollasses etc. The best is Spillers Lite and Lean.