Well-Known Member
Afternoon all, I was hoping a few people on this forum might give me an idea of what they are paying for their equipazalone bute from their vets as I just had an itemised vets bill and was shocked to see that for 100 sachet box it was £187.40 inc vat which is approximately double what I had payed for it from another vet for a different horse. I chose that brand based on it being cheaper than Danilon and the horse in question will need a sachet a day for pain management, she is elderly with arthritis. I rang the practice and questioned it and whether they had perhaps charged for the wrong drug but their reply was that everything has gone up. Frankly I am a bit miffed that 1 vet has charged me double. Online prices show it should be around 0.85p per sachet. Is this just my vets that have doubled the cost.? i would be glad of any others that I can compare, Thankyou