Just googled to find it’s a diabetes medication: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ertugliflozin
Are you outside the UK? I’ve not heard of it before, so not sure how widely used it is here in either humans or horses, though prepared to be corrected! (most H&H posters are UK Based)
ETA: sorry, I just saw you are in the UK ? my mistake!
I've literally just picked up a pot for my mini, first dose today so will see how it goes! Another horse on our yard has been taking it for a little while and the vets have been astounded at the difference it's made to the numbers on his EMS blood test (where they kept going up on metformin). My farrier also knows of a couple of others on it who have had really good results. Only available through the vets at the moment, think it's still on trial of some description (?), they haven't got round to making up an easy to pronounce brand name yet ;-) - eye wateringly expensive! But worth a try.......
Worth every penny.
We've been on it 4 weeks and insulin levels have gone from in the 80's, down to 4.
Our pony is now out for 9 hours, which hasn't been possible for over a year.