Essex flyers dog agility


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22 August 2020
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Did anyone see the post yesterday about them training in 32 degree heat at Beechwood equestrian centre? When approached by a chap they told him to f@$% off. Absolutely unbelievable.


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13 June 2013
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The amount of sheep dog trialling going on throughout the day all over the country saddens me. My dogs would always be more important than any sport or trophies. Any work our collies have to do is done at dawn or dusk in high temperatures.


20 March 2007
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I personally choose not to train in this heat - in a group lesson my dog is running for probably 15 plus minutes on and off, with some repetition and drills, which would leave him too hot right now. As it happens training is cancelled this week as both clubs are away attending KCIAF so I didn't need to make the call.

However, competition is different as they are 'working' for as little as 20-30 seconds at a time, then whisked back into the cool which is IMO not a big ask for a fit, conditioned dog.

I haven't seen the post but generally speaking anyone confronting someone with no idea what they are talking about can reasonably expect short shrift...!


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9 March 2007
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at agility most people have silver sheets over their vehicles and also cage fans,cool mats ect and pools available.i would imagine the same goes for flyball?
a typical run is under 60 seconds in agility so with some warmup it is not a big ask for a fit dog.
compare this to someone dragging an unfit dog on a slow walk to the shops on pavements !

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
West Midlands
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The International Agility Festival has gone ahead this weekend.
Yes it has gone ahead but they had a much earlier start time and were aiming to finish each day by lunchtime. Also many paddling pools scattered around for dogs to cool off in. I haven't gone this year but those are the reports I have seen.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Our training was cancelled this week. However I have been at a competition this morning, just up the road so I decided to go and see what it was like and come home without running if necessary. Judging was brought forward to 8 am and my dog had finished by 10.30 , he spent maximum of 2 minutes actually running. The rest of the time we were sitting in a lovely cool open sided marquee with a good breeze running through. It was at Bolesworth horse show so I felt more sorry for the riders wearing jackets, all the horses looked absolutely fine. The agility had totally finished by 12.30, I think a few withdrew from later classes and those who ran retired if they were eliminated rather than continuing to finish the course. Every agility dog looked happy , less so some of the dogs being walked round with their families, although thankfully there weren't many.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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The amount of sheep dog trialling going on throughout the day all over the country saddens me. My dogs would always be more important than any sport or trophies. Any work our collies have to do is done at dawn or dusk in high temperatures.

I saw that a sheep dog trial somewhere near me was cancelled this weekend.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2008
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Depends where it was held. If held in the this heat yes.

To be fair to them the KC have changed the start time to something like 7.30am and then had a break around noon and restarted in the evenings. The problem is there are people who don't seem to think for themselves what's best for their animals and if a show goes ahead they compete regardless of the weather.


20 March 2007
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Yes it has gone ahead but they had a much earlier start time and were aiming to finish each day by lunchtime. Also many paddling pools scattered around for dogs to cool off in. I haven't gone this year but those are the reports I have seen.

I was at another show yesterday and it was much the same, lots of additional measures in place and done and dusted by lunchtime.


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26 May 2008
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I was at BFA Indoor champs this weekend and UKFL champs were on this weekend as well.

We changed racing times so we were done before the heat of the day, there were air coolers all over the hall so while still warm, it was infinitely cooler than outside. We reduced race numbers so the dogs did less and there were multiple options all over the site to help dogs keep cool. My dogs were warmer in the shade of our camp than in the hall and were regularly given chances to dunk in our team paddling pool and had free access to water with goats milk etc etc.

I didnt see a single dog who looked uncomfortable or any more panting than normal for flyball. There were teams who pulled dogs over the weekend based on their own ability to cope which was the right choice for their dogs included one we pulled one in our own team.
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20 March 2007
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I see Bournemouth champ show is getting a pasting too, claims on social media that show dogs are kept standing out in the blazing sun for hours at a time. Tempted to respond that I consider it a very good day if I am in the ring for longer than two minutes. ?


Well-Known Member
13 July 2020
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I see Bournemouth champ show is getting a pasting too, claims on social media that show dogs are kept standing out in the blazing sun for hours at a time. Tempted to respond that I consider it a very good day if I am in the ring for longer than two minutes. ?

Bournemouth is only a short drive from me. I did email them and ask if you're allowed to bring pet dogs along if you're just a spectator. I didn't get a reply. Obviously it was too hot for that this year anyway, however do you know if you're allowed to just turn up to watch? With a well behaved dog? I would love to have a go at showing one day but need to get out and actually have a watch and speak to a few people first really.


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15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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Our agility training was pulled last week - it’s outdoors in a sunny field with a stream running through it, but it’s very sheltered and hit. Fingers crossed we are back on this Thursday!

I’m hoping to show my dog this weekend, show is about five miles from home and he will do a maximum of two classes, then back home. I’d love to do the lure racing but probably won’t.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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I see Bournemouth champ show is getting a pasting too, claims on social media that show dogs are kept standing out in the blazing sun for hours at a time. Tempted to respond that I consider it a very good day if I am in the ring for longer than two minutes. ?

From what I have seen, nearly all judging was done at least partially under open sided marquees and there was a through breeze. Also plenty of baths for dogs to cool down in etc, I think I read there were some fans in benching areas too. Think yourself lucky you're not showing GSDs bc, a lot more than 2 mins in the ring depending on the type of judge. There was a GSD breed show at the weekend and again the committee went to a lot of trouble to look after dogs. They opened up a village hall on site, plus provided an extra open marquee for shade and for people to put crates if they didn't have vans/cars with air con. They also provided several spare crates in the hall for those who didn't have them. Again baths and pools provided for dogs, and I think gaiting was kept to an absolute minimum. I have seen videos from the day and none of the dogs appeared to be panting much, in fact possibly less than at shows in cooler weather.


20 March 2007
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Think yourself lucky you're not showing GSDs bc

About that, I do hope I will see you at an agility show soon as I need to bend your ear! ? We are lucky in schips, entry of 20 for WKC this week which is not unusual and they don't tend to move them much, be over and done with in a jiffy. I think I saw someone say they've got those inside/outside shaded rings this year too.

Bournemouth is only a short drive from me. I did email them and ask if you're allowed to bring pet dogs along if you're just a spectator. I didn't get a reply. Obviously it was too hot for that this year anyway, however do you know if you're allowed to just turn up to watch? With a well behaved dog? I would love to have a go at showing one day but need to get out and actually have a watch and speak to a few people first really.

Spectator dog info is usually in the schedule, the arrangements very from show to show - most usually you register with the secretary on arrival and pay a small fee, obtaining an exit pass if one is needed. From this year's Bournemouth schedule:

Unentered dogs may be brought to the Show on the day and admitted as a SPECTATOR DOG (at a cost of £5 per dog). Upon arrival at the Show you will need to complete the necessary Kennel Club Form, giving an undertaking that you will keep your dog under control at all times. Dogs must be at least four months old on the first day of the show.

Look out for champ shows holding the KC's 'Have a go' seminars too :)


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Oh nooo - I'm doing the whole weekend at WKC. ? Haven't missed WBSDS in years, wish they hadn't changed their usual date. I will be missing the first few ABAA shows too.

B***er! Yes it’s a shame they changed the date . You’ll miss Ziggy’s debut at ABAA too, probably not a bad thing ?