Event Report - a useful day!


Well-Known Member
22 August 2016
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On paper, not our day but I am still thrilled with my lovely boy. Lots to take away from it, and a good learning experience for both of us!

An improved dressage test for 39, despite breaking in the right canter and him deciding to leap out of the arena at one point ??‍♀️ But considering that last seasons scores were mid 50s, and our last event was 43, hopefully going in the right direction! Some lovely comments from the judge, and hopefully the more he does, the more he will relax and let me ride him. The good stuff is in there, he just needs to breathe and work with me when we are out and about. He’s been going brilliantly at home, so fingers crossed.

Onto SJ. I was convinced we would be eliminated, he’s been a bit of a monkey the last two times we jumped (just a bit of a testing phase I think) and it has not done my confidence any good. Anyway, he actually jumped a decent round for 2 poles (one entirely my fault, misjudged the line). Although was focusing too much on straightness and forgot about rhythm, and my slight lack of confidence meant I put the brakes on a bit too much. But know what we need to work on!

XC he was brilliant. Thought about the big step which was causing carnage but went with some encouragement, no hesitation at the corner (I hate corners) or any of the fences I thought he might look at! Finished well over the time, but full of running and I knew we were taking it steady.

We did have one (very pathetic) stop at fence 7. It looked like you were jumping into a tree, he went to run left, I said no, but didn’t actually put my leg on to tell him to jump. Turned round, set him up better, actually kicked and he popped straight over. I’m not that fussed, it

wasn’t a dirty stop, he was just confused and I could have ridden better.

Easy to forget he’s been eventing less than a year, and it’s been 5yrs or so since I evented properly too. So really, the fact we completed when lots of people didn’t, and that he is starting to listen and understand what we want, is pretty good if you ask me!

Ignore the tiny mohawk, I’m trying to grow that bit of bridlepath out and it’s at the awkward stage where it can be neither plaited nor gelled down/hidden under the ear bonnet. Was driving me nuts all day ?
