Eventers - going it alone


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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For those of you old enough to go eventing alone - do you or wouldn't you, and what level do you compete at?

If you are not old enough to drive yourself then I know the answer is 'no I don't' so no offence but it doesn't help! However if you are old enough but don't have the right licence - would you go alone if you did?


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7 September 2004
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Not sure I really count (Intro/PN) but where possible I would have someone with me. I have gone alone but have always left a contact number with a secretary of someone to call to collect horse if something happened.


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3 February 2006
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At Intro. I prefer not to go alone and haven't as yet as the one I hadn't got a groom for got rained off anyway. But if I really needed to then yes I would event alone, not ideal though and did make sure I had people on the end of a phone who could rescue us if need be!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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LOL B&J yes, you count! You are old enough!

I've done it up to PN, but not any higher, and am just pondering things for next season.


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24 November 2005
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Tilly if you ever want an extra pair of hands or even just a tea/coffee/bacon butty supplier then I would always be happy to come along - If nothing else then I'd enjoy it and at best I may actually learn something!

In answer to your question (although atm I'm not out competing but if I was) no, I wouldn't - I'm lucky enough to have a mad sister who would probably hurt me if I didn't take her with me and I dare say OH and my mother would probably trundle along too!


Well-Known Member
26 September 2007
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Novice- int - No do not go on my own, need someone to walk horse after I get back from XC, as I need to strip off. But on a more serious note, I think its safer to have someone with you, just in case!!


Well-Known Member
27 October 2004

I float between PN and N and by choise would never go alone. Have been lucky most of the time to have dad there although he is nearly 70 its the company I need more than the help. Friends have also come along to help and support which is fantastic
I always feel guilty though as the days can be long.
I went to Goring on my own with my dog for the company, it felt really strange, its the little things like when you get on and realise you don't have your gloves on and have to get back off etc just needs more organising.
I was lucky that 2 friends turned up just before the jumping and stayed till I was safe after XC, had the lonely drive home tho.

So I think my answer is Yes I would go alone rather than miss the event but would try to find someone I knew there and defo let the organisers know

Sorry for the waffle


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
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I used to go alone (PN level at the time) until I got severely told off by a trainer, who said it was dangerous. Her point was, eventing is pretty full on and tiring, especially if you've had a long journey in the lorry, and you need all your strength for the job.

So, I then roped all and sundry into coming with me, and I now wouldn't go alone, ever.

I just think, what would happen if I fell off and knocked myself out? Who would look after my horse? I know there are plenty of peope around and they're a friendly bunch eventing, but I do think you need someone there.


Well-Known Member
17 September 2003
Fylde Coast, Lancs
Its just the worst case scenario, you come off and hurt yourself - getting horse and lorry home I would always worry about. Its also nice to have a friendly face to support you too. Saying that I mostly go out alone, but if I did'nt would hardly ever get out!


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Ok, so if you wouldn't, how did you find someone to come with you?

Assuming the following - no family/OH to come and help. Most friends too young to drive the lorry anyway even if something did happen?

What if you knew someone who was going, you got similar times to them and you parked near them, and they could take horse home if the worst happened?


Well-Known Member
7 September 2007
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I would always where poss have someone with me. I have travelled on my own but met other friends at the event who are competing also.

Often I am too tired to drive home again!


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24 July 2007
West Sussex
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I go it alone.. I used to have an OH who would drive me and be there to help should I need it.. But I don't really have anyone to take with me now, I don't like to ask my parents anymore so if someone offers to come along then I jump at the chance as its always more fun and safer to have company.!! I had company at 2 events this year out of 8..
I compete at Intro/PN and very rarely travel for more than an hour but if I manage to make it to a Novice next season (fingers crossed) then I will ask someone to come and keep me company.!


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7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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what I do is tell folk when picking up numbers and leave note in laddie with ICE (horsey folks number). If worst came to worst they will always box your horse on site whilst you're in hospital
etc...... And they will be keen to rehome your horse asap


Well-Known Member
22 March 2007
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I have never gone alone as I always have the OH with me. I wouldn't particularly want to go on my own, but that is partly because if I did I wouldn't get to see my OH that often during the summer & she probably wouldn't let me. Also it's more fun with someone else there.
In most circumstances I'm sure it is fine to go on your own but I would be concerned about the worst case scenario - what if both me & the horse were badly injured. Organisers have enough of a job without having to worry about emergency contact numbers. Also what if I am knocked out and heaven forbid a decision is needed on whether to have my horse PTS.
I currently compete mainly at Novice with the odd intermediate.


Well-Known Member
4 July 2007
A Southerner!
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Yes, I go alone if I have to but I much prefer having someone with me. I almost always travel alone but usually friend and/or OH meet me there. I have had to go by myself (eg when they changed Little Downham to a Monday so everyone else was at work & couldn't come to support me) so would rather that than not at all. Generally everyone is really friendly at events so people in the next-door lorry keep me sane as someone to talk to.
I currently have only done Intro, should be doing PN next year (fingers crossed).


Well-Known Member
27 November 2005
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Yep, always go eventing alone but only do Intro or PN at the moment - maybe Monmouth novice next year as you know!

I would prefer to have someone else with me in case I have an accident etc and can't drive home - but my emergency contact numbers are people from the yard who would come & fetch Josh for me and take him home if needed. Tiredness isn't really that much of an issue for me as I only travel max about 2 hrs away from home, and I get a lot less tired now I am not so nervous all day


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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I have gone alone most times- sometimes if I am lucky I can get Mother or a friend to come along.
I even went to Weston Park CCI * alone! but I had friends there at the event.
I dont really see what the big deal is about going alone to an event, some people wont even go to an event unless they have someone with them, which I think is silly!
I think that at the end of the day, if the worse comes to the worse, there will always be someone around that can help out if needed.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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Ok cool - until I fell off at Goring I had never even considered not going alone, but usually have a friend to come too which is nice.

Just wondered what would happen in the future if I had no choice.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
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In answer to your question about who to ask, I had the same problem. Most of my friends are non-horsey, my OH is not only non-horsey but also works very hard (although if I was really stuck, he would come) and my parents are also non-horsey!

Basically, after my trainer put the wind up me about the folly of eventing alone, I thought, 'how on earth am I going to find someone to come with me?'

Then I had the bright idea of putting post up on the forum asking if anyone would accompany me, and I got loads of replies. One particular one was from a mother saying that her daughter events in my region, and would perhaps tie in with me so we can help each other if we're at the same 'do'.

We ended up becoming good mates, and we're still in touch.

The other thing I did was put ads up in local tack/feed shops asking if anyone wanted to groom for me at competitions only. I got a response from a really nice lady who helped for me for two seasons. I had to pay her, but she ran around doing everything for me, like a proper groom, which was fab!

We went from PN to Intermediate during that time, and I would attribute some of that to her back-up. I would never have done it alone.

I've since given up eventing in favour of dressage and show jumping, and still like to have someone there, although I still go alone quite often.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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As above really. Compete up to Novice/1* - always go on my own, often have 2 horses. There really isn't anyone who would go with me. My husband works weekends and isn't really interested anyway. Most of my friends event and if they're not at the event on the same day, I might be there on the Saturday and them on the Sunday in which case I couldn't really ask them to come on the Saturday as well just to keep me company. My parents live 300 miles away and aren't horsey. I wouldn't dream of asking anyone else to get up at 4am for a 12-14 hour day with a lot of hanging about. So the only way I get to event at all is on my own. There is usally always someone I know there that could sort out the horse if there's a problem and I give the secretary my box details and my husband's mobile.
I don't necessarily like doing things that way but otherwise wouldn't be able to do it at all.


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1 April 2002
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i've gone alone at N but at anything above that i try to have someone with me, even if it's only my mum, who seems to be managing to know less and less about horses every year!
i only really need someone to take off dr boots and put up the sj practise fence anyway, as i do everything else myself. but if i ended up squashed xc, i'm sure there are always people who would help out and take the horse home or somewhere safe... i know i always would.
i've done 3-days on my own too, not really a problem apart from the old 10-minute box, and i managed to get a few people to help out, at the last minute!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2007
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I have no choice in it,i go alone.(pru the dog comes)Very lucky to have met a fab mate(madhossy& others)thro eventing and we both try to meet at same events.
BUT my otherhalf has his own hobbies,im 36 and dont have horsy parents,so if i want to go and do anythin,its all off my own back.When i did BSJA most w.ends yrs ago,i still went alone but had a group of mates 2 meet up with.
I do try and con mates to come 4 me,but its not much fun for them just watching and holding horse all day.
Best of luck.Eventing folk can be very friendly,i always talk to who-ever im parked next 2 and pinch their picnick!!! they cant not talk to me when i talk to them hehehehe


Well-Known Member
29 June 2007
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I'm actually amazed how many people go on their own having read this post! I would only go by myself if I absolutely had to. And I think my mum would have a fit if she knew I was going somewhere alone... But then I guess I'm lucky that there's usually someone who volunteers to come along! I must admit I thought there was a rule that you weren't allowed to compete BE alone. Mind you I'm not sure how they'd check


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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No, they just recommend you don't - I've done it several times this summer, you just have to tell the sec when you collect your number and they take ICE details from you.

I was just wondering really - now I've moved up a level it feels a bit more serious (as in more dangerous, not suggesting lower levels are inferior!) and I was wondering if I was taking a bit of a risk - but in the end it comes down to me not being able to event if I can't go alone, so I guess I'll deal with it!


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
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Yes, I think there is a rule saying you're not allowed to go alone.

I was amazed too at how many go alone - you should all create a Lonely Eventers club, and try to hook up together!