Eventing questions...


Well-Known Member
5 September 2005
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Well I got to the yard yesterday only to be told someone had tried to buy my horse. The lady had come to look at my YO's horse (an Intermediate eventer) and when the horse she was meant to be looking at was brought in Governor decided he wanted to be centre of attention so proceeded to put himself in a different field...by jumping the palisade, and taking a right angle onto a parallel made out of telegraph poles (there is a jump recessed into each section of fencing). Apparently he looked like he was being ridden over the fences and judged his stride perfectly...its not the first time he's had a play over xc jumps on his own either...he likes the bank complex too *gulp*.

So now i'm thinking I really should try eventing, and need a bit of assistance from the experts please! Governor has just turned 6 and I haven't got round to taking him cross country schooling as yet bar a few ditches and logs out hacking. We currently do prelim dressage (schooling at Novice at home) and we haven't jumped alot recently (but I now have a jumping saddle waiting to be flocked) so i'd say when we get out we wouldn't be doing much over 2ft9 for the time being. When we were jumping regularly we schooled at a little above that.

If I was looking to enter an Intro next season what should I be concentrating on schooling him over cross country wise (i.e. whats involved in the course?) and what heights should we be happy jumping xc and sj wise?

Thanks in advance...and there will probably be more questions as I think of them.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
Doesnt sound like he will have much trouble eventing!!!
Intro is around 3ft so as long as you are jumping around 3,3 at home and XC schooling over this confidently you will be fine round an Intro.

They are pretty straight forward with a splash into water no step, rarely a double, just straight forward fences, obviously some courses are easier then others, and working at Novice dressage at home and Prelim out is fine for Intro, the dressage tests are sometimes easier then Prelims.

Good luck it is great fun!!


Well-Known Member
4 January 2006
North Yorkshire
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Your horse sounds like a natural!

I don't know where you are in the country, but you could find a local event that is running intro / PN sections and go down for a look - that will give you a good idea of the standard.

Also a lot of events open up their courses for schooling while they are still flagged a few days after an event - you culd go and have a play around a real intro course.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2005
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Thanks for the responses.

I'm in Essex (just changed profile so it says that now). I know of a few events in surrounding counties and for a practise course Furness Farm isn't far at all so I should probably go up there and have a play (while my YO still has her horse, incase we should need a lead...).

I think i'll have to get cracking on the jumping, he's mature for his age and doesn't rush into fences and rarely refuses we just haven't jumped together for a while. 3ft3 sounds ok when the fence knocks down but i'm not sure how we'll go over cross country jumps (more a mental thing than anything I reckon). Something to consider anyway - and schooling after an event sounds like a good idea. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
If you are in Essex, Stratfors hills is a good event for you to do next summer and you can school there now I think, they have and Intro, PN and Novice course there


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Intro's are usually very welcoming courses meant for babies so you wont find anything particularily challenging. Personally, I would always do a few unaffiliated ODE's or hunter trials up to intermediate level until the horse is confident then enter an intro (just coz entry fees are much higher BE so its cheaper to bomb round unaffiliated's!!). Just pratice usual fences, little ditches, little banks, water etc. Nothing massive, although obviously the more you pratice over scary fences, the easier the intro will be! SJ wise, Id say if you were happily popping discovery courses you'll be fine.