Exercises to improve left hand!


Well-Known Member
8 September 2007
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I have always found that when riding I have a very dominant right hand. This is obviously a real issue on the right rein as my right hand often starts trying to do the work of my left hand, which obviously blocks the horse's inside hind and means I don't have enough weight in my outside (left) rein. I notice it whenever I ride any horse and it doesn't matter what level they are working at and which side is their stiff/weak side. Even during advanced lateral work I notice that I have a tendency to slacken the left hand and dominate with my right hand.

I think it's just a habit I've developed following a bad injury to my left wrist when I was younger (I kept riding through the injury).

I've worked on the strength of my left hand/wrist/arm (doing weight and strength training) and I'm just as strong as my right side, so I don't think it's a muscle weakness any more, just a habit I can't break!

Does anyone have any suggestions of exercises I can do to work on keeping the left hand consistent (and stopping the right hand dominating)?


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18 March 2013
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I have a similar problem which started when I broke my little finger on my left hand. I now have a very dominant right hand and was advised to hold my right rein only through two fingers (index and middle), rather than the normal three when schooling. I'm not sure how much it helped really but might be worth a try?


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14 November 2009
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Agree with trying suggestion above re your fingers. During a simulator lesson I was told to pop my middle finger forward on dominant hand so there's a softening caused by the gap between the forefinger and ring finger. It was v interesting to see the immediate balancing up of weight in my hands on the computer readout.


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25 April 2008
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Many years ago I got this advice from William Micklem (he of the bridle design and an amazing trainer if you don't know him) and that was to train your left hand away from the horse. So to start using your left hand to perform every day things that you would normally do with your right hand, such as cleaning your teeth, brushing your hair etc. You try it - its really hard! So I did it for a long time and the improvement in my riding and general control of my left side was massive.

The point is that its as more to do with coordination than strength.


Well-Known Member
8 September 2007
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Thanks everyone for suggestions - I'll certainly try the rein suggestions. I've tried giving and re-taking the right hand regularly but it only works briefly and when I stop I'm back to the usual problem! Maybe holding the rein differently will solve the issue.

Jane_Lou - it's interesting you suggest that as I actually recently badly injured my right hand and ended up having it in a splint for 2months unable to move it or use it (I wasn't riding). During all of this time I used my left hand for everything daily as I couldn't do anything with my right hand. I thought this would improve my riding, but as soon as I finished the physio and splint came off I've reverted to my usual right-handed ways when riding (though in every day life im more ambidextrous now!).


Well-Known Member
8 October 2013
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I have a similar problem - I'm left handed and was too strong there, so overcompensated and am now too strong with my right hand.

Jump trainer makes me hold the right rein like a pan handle, rein going into hand above index finger. It does help me realise how much I do it.