Oh and what a good judgement it was, do you not agree Alan?
British Justice at its best. The criminality that has been going on within the Hunting Fraternity cannot be allowed to continue. Would you also agree with that Alan?
A good day for those who have been trying to bring the criminality to an end!
£65,000 actually. I do not consider it a waste of money and I would be prepared to bet that the membership of LACS don't either.
The amount the fine was is irrelavant it could have been £5 for I care. The important part was the CONVICTION - it has set a precedent that will be followed in other courts across the land. The time has passed when the Hunting Fraternity could buy its way out of trouble or tie the system up with legal tape!!
I realise that this CONVICTION must have come as a terrible shock to and yours :shocked: but that is the nature of the Beast.
You must remember that the magistrate has no legal training per se. The next step will be at the crown court for the appeal..and that might set the precedent, the magistrates court is so low down the pecking order that a precedent cannot be set from todays judgement.
How much did you pay for your peerage Lord Blairite!
The Magistrate has more than enough legal training to preside over such a case.
Lets hope that old man Wright appeals and costs himself a bundle more money! The Hunting Fraternity are not above the law and need to bear that in mind whilst in out with the pack.
It increased during the day, however it did say 65,000 at first.
The league brought the case at a total cost of more than £100,000 after Avon and Somerset Police declined to take on the case based on the evidence available.
No shock just absolute hilarity, what a waste of money, better spent on real animal welfare. The conviction was not important as Tony realised it was difficult to flush to guns very early on, so changed to the drag all of last season (Chuckle Chuckle).
It was actually a) a very bad judgement b) or an attempt to make the hunting act look even dafter than it looks already or c) a politically correct judgement bought with the wealth that LACS/IFAW etc have provided to this government.
Either way we must trust that the appeal in the County Court or above will overturn it. Truth is truth and justice is justice: even LACS can't change basic human desires for fair play.
Hmm I wonder how far £100,000 could have gone, caring for homeless kittens/cats/dogs e.t.c
I'm sure the LACS are so happy wasting 100k on some stupid prosecution, what have they achieved? Hunts have already started autumn hunting and foxes are once again going to be killed.
I quote from Eddey & Darbyshire on The English Legal System (7th Edition) -
"Since 1999 members have recieved standard training. Any adult can apply to be a magistrate'
No formal legal training is required, they instead work towards 4 basic competancies. During the first 2 years of service they will have 11 mentored sittings and 1 appraised sittings. After which they attend training every 3 years.
Compare this with a judge - they must have been a barrister or a solicitor (restricted number of posts open to them) and will sit in County Courts and above. They will be fully trained in legal procedure with a minimum of 3 years academic training and many more years of professional experience. I don't think there is any question of which of these two groups has the deeper legal knowledge.
The legal precedent must follow a strict doctrine, thus any verdict handed down in the appeal judgement in the House or Lords and then the Crown Court will be more binding in terms of future judgements based on case law (Eddey & Darbyshire p36)
Ah yes I am very familiar with the workings of the Department for the Elimination of Farming & Rural Activity..
is in england hunting just with dogs or can tehre be traps? i like to hunt but for eating and use the skin and fur. in england many peopl are not happy with hunting. what is to be done?
£65,000 actually. I do not consider it a waste of money and I would be prepared to bet that the membership of LACS don't either.
And I said,
The conviction was not important as Tony realised it was difficult to flush to guns very early on, so changed to the drag all of last season (Chuckle Chuckle).
So my Lord that was my experience from, last season spent hunting with the Exmoor from Aug 31st till last day, I bet you feel that was a complete waste of money now chum?
Claire, the judge who handled the case,Paul Palmer, is described as a 'District Judge, which position I understand was previously called a Stipendary Magistrate, but I think they do have some professional legal training.
My Bad, yup District Judges have 7 years training...however the argument still stands relating to the legal professionals who sit as judges in Crown courts and higher...as do the hierarchy of legal precedence.
Not another of you freaks! Don't you get fed up making these names? You're clogging up the forum, maybe if you go get some ferrets they'd entertain you on a Saturday, you could go rabbiting, free supper. Or perhaps you'd like to go an buy a horse, you could tag along with TF then.
Just thought forget the ferret idea, I doubt you get rabbits in the city.
Oh I did, I donated lots of lovely big yellow pages, did they enjoy looking up their local hunt kennels numbers? Haha, what an embarrassment for you! And now you have a nice bill of atleast 65k! You must be so proud of them!
I think that the certain millionaire you are mentioning has the small matter of divorcing the peg leg freak on his mind at the moment.
Its nice for us Pros to have MANY multi-millionaire backers, not just one deluded pensioner who seeks his thrills by marrying a one legged gold-digging moron.
Thanks for worrying about our bills but our friends have VERY deep pockets LOL!!!!!!!!!! In fact they want us to carry on with the good work!!!!!!!!! LMFBO!!!!!
Peta, are loons, they are crazy! They don't have alot of support here either, perhaps in America but not here. They closely resemble terrorists and we all know the UK's views on them.
Can't wait to see T & S on The F Word, fancy peta trying to make Gordon a vegetarian chef....they really are deluded.
Your backers may have, but you don't, such a shame!
Ok here are the facts and fiction, I'll write it clearly so that your tiny brain can digest such alot of information in one hit....