Experience of unhandled horses...


Well-Known Member
19 June 2010
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Hi there,

As some of you know I have a new 3 yo filly who has lived in Germany in a barn until last week - when she was exported here and has come to live with us... Now I have lots of experience with horses and have backed /broken horses etc and owned from a foal before now but this is a new experience for me... So I was just fishing for a bit of reassurance really -

I've started her as I mean to go on -out in the day in at night with the rest of our yard and she is mercifully easy to catch and to lead in hand.. So I decided the next step is tying up - which she tolerates after a fashion - and is improving ... And on to grooming ... Which is ok at the front but doesn't like her tummy touched - very mare like and we will work on that... So would you wait til you can groom all of get before working on lifting her feet (which she thinks is abhorrent at present) or would you chip away at that straight away?

Any other tips greatly appreciated ... I've not had a baby in a long time and never one this unhandled


(Ps I plan on being leader in this particular pairing - no quarms about that at all ;))


Well-Known Member
7 January 2012
sunny Scotland
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I would be inclined to chip away. If she tolerates brushing her front legs, work on getting her used to that. Gradually build up handling legs, until you can gently lift them as part of the grooming process. At the same time persevere with the bits she's not so keen on. Once you get a wee bit of success, return to something she tolerates and enjoys. Build up the time and tolerance a bit every day, and always end with something she enjoys.
good luck with her, and update on her progress!:)


Well-Known Member
15 November 2005
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She may always be sensitive about her tummy, my gelding is. Agree carry on with the feet.
Clicker training is fab for that.