Experienced opinions sought...


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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I absolutely agree with everyone who says don't view, don't ride unless you've seen it ridden first etc. They are right, there are lots of dishonest people out there and sadly lots of unreliable horses. However, I bought my first horse over 25 years ago from an advert in the paper. I was a total novice and I bought a TB mare which was advertised as 14.2 but was actually 15.1. The owner didn't ride it but I took it in a field and cantered her on both reins, agreed a price to include tack and took her home. She was an absolute star, safe as houses to hack, lovely to handle but a pig to load but we sorted that and would pop jumps safely and sensibly both in an arena and XC. She was also very pretty and had lovely paces not that I recognised that. I found out later that her owner had terminal cancer and was not able to ride. TBH I never realised what a lovely mare she was until many years later and had kissed lots of frogs!


29 July 2016
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Just to update all you kind people who offered your thoughts.

Went to see the mare, a few times, she was pretty much as described. Very strong and not been schooled for quite a while, but genuinely quite nice in all other ways. After much texting and good communication agreed I would arrange vetting. Two hours later receive a text to say I have been gazumped and mare is now sold, sorry!

Quite annoyed but then buying horses seems to be a whole new minefield to me. Still, have found another potential who is being vetted this week, fingers crossed. Although the reality of owning my own is setting in and am quite terrified.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2008
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Ha ! Bet the owner knew it wouldn't pass a vetting and was hoping you would buy it without one !
You become very cynical after horse hunting.
Good luck with the latest one. I hope you find something that suits you.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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Must say when I was buying I found dealing with dealers a whole lot easier then private buyers. I did buy from a reputable dealer and he made it very clear that if it didn't work out I could return the horse at anytime for the full price. I got to see it as many times as I wanted, it could be vetted at any given time, as someone was always there. I got no phone calls telling me that so and so were interested. In fact it was very professional. He even reserved the lad for me, free of charge, no deposit, until a friend could ride. Unlike the couple of private owners who were a pain in the butt. I never did get to see one horse because owner kept messing me about!


Well-Known Member
3 February 2009
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Sounds like you may have had a lucky escape!

Some years ago I was looking for a horse for my husband. Found one that ticked all the boxes for him but the vetting showed up a ton of issues - not the least that the horse was a LOT older than advertised. My vet reckoned he was only worth meat money but that he would be suitable for my husband (a very novice rider). Selller accepted what the vet had said and agreed to a much reduced price. Come the day when I was due to collect the horse I got a phone call from some-one I knew who also knew the seller to say that he had been offered a lot more money for the horse so had sold him to the new person (a local dealer who was infamous for getting horses sound only for them to go wrong once in their new home ......)