Well-Known Member
Last week I lost my horse of a lifetime to colic no symptoms just off feed , was fine when checked at 6am and then came back at 8.30 and was quiet and off feed def not like him called vets staright away thinking poss viral infection even though all vitals were ok , on arrival vet agreed thinks looks viral seen a lot lately , he always hid everything from us so was hard to read sometimes never gave too much away , once examined his heart rate began to increase and on rectal he had distension we went staright to vets but he it was already twisted and gone septic despite not showing any symptoms and trotting onto the lorry , on arrival they said well he doesn’t look like a colic , I couldn’t put him through the surgery at 22 and he was never one to box rest , they leave a huge hole and never want to repeat the same decisions again , my other horse is coping very well so far ?? the most heartbreaking ? time of all , xx