Eye Ulcer Advice or Experiences Needed


17 August 2010
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I have an incredibly sickly horse who's latest problem is an eye ulcer. The problem is I live in france and have a bit of a language barrier with my vet in terms of anything too technical. Whilst I understand the treatment instructed - I have struggled with the prognosis.

My question is really based on the size of the ulcer can anyone give me an idea of prognosis and if general treatment and follow up (or lack of) sounds broadly correct...

So, the detail... There are actually two large white marks, 3mm radius each, on the eye - he has clouding throughout the bottom two thirds of the eye. Lots of green pus and water, eye firmly closed, whole eye socket hugely inflamed.

I have a series of products to give him (which will be fun, unruly youngster), and he is to be stabled in the low light for 14 days. The vet has said that he might be fine. He might not. He will always have a scar. He might or might not be able to see. He will return in 10 days.

I like to know a lot of detail and sadly the vet has given me 5 products with no labels which include three anti-ulcer, an antibiotic cream, and something else. So I cant find out what I've been given. Also concerning was he felt the need to take photos so he could ask at the clinic - but I don't know what hes asking. He was worried there was still a foreign body in there but is obviously content to wonder.

Any experiences/thoughts most gratefully received. I can post photos if that's any use.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2012
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That sounds awful and incredibly painful for the horse,can you not find an english speaking vet?Sorry can't be of any help practically but hope your horse improves soon.Good luck.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2012
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Really important that you keep your horse out of any sunlight! And obviously apply all the meds as directed. Ulcers do heal very well if caught early enough. Hope he gets better soon. Keep us updated x


17 August 2010
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Hi - yes I will do if I can establish that this doesn't sound like the correct treatment plan - but I have zero experience with eyes (the rest of my horses have, touch wood, been completely healthy and injury free) so I don't know if i'm over reacting. I don't want to waste money on more treatment if it normal to leave it be and see how it goes, but not sure I like to see the horse in such obvious discomfort.


17 August 2010
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Really important that you keep your horse out of any sunlight! And obviously apply all the meds as directed. Ulcers do heal very well if caught early enough. Hope he gets better soon. Keep us updated x

Yes, hes in a stable, within a barn with all doors closed, just one small window so very low light. Thank you - that's positive feedback.


Well-Known Member
11 December 2012
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I don't know if i'm over reacting. I don't want to waste money on more treatment if it normal to leave it be and see how it goes said:
You are definitely not overacting, ulcers should be taken very seriously. Please do not stop the meds or you could end up with a serious condition and he could lose the eye! (this nearly happened to someones horse last year, he spent 2 weeks in hospital on a drip and having drops in his eye every hour)

Bottom line, keep him in the barn which sound ideal, and keep up the meds. Hopefully when the vet returns he will have improved.