eye update. NEED YOUR FEEDBACK. please


Well-Known Member
28 July 2005
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Hi, i probably should have probably posted this in veterinary!!

Anyway, vets been out to Anakan this morning and is very pleased with his progress ulcer has gone and scare tissue has faded remarkably, brilliant.

good news is i can cut down on his drops and he can go out,
bad news is, he has to wear a fly mask with a patch over the bad eye as it needs protection from the light and wind. My concerns are that with him being so young he will go ballistic and charge round the field and crash into the nearest thing
and the possiblitly he will get the mask off when im not around

So what i need from you guys is advice on a fly mask that he will not be able to get off, i use a couple of different ones on my other horses, but im sure he will ditch them within an hour of being turned out. Im going to put it on him in the stable for a couple of days so he can get used to restricted sight, then hopefully he wont go crashing into things when hes out. He will also be turned out into a paddock that will be electrified all the way round, so he wont be able to rub it off and wont be able to poke his head into any more bloody hedges!!!!!
Debs x


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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it was me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ludo had Uveitus this winter owing to dumb owner of another horse parking it outside Ludo's stable and making Ludo head butt the top of his stable door - She's a useless owner anyway...

right - he too had to be turned out with a flymask and a patch on. I have a very old - but reliable - one, think it's a weatherbeater one, and i just got a pit of an old towel and sewed it in. i left a head collar over the mask to make sure it didn't come off or slip and put gaffer tape on the velcrow as well.

Take him out in hand and get him used to it. horses adapt v easily. just make sure you and all those at the yard, know he can't see out of one side, and always approach on the side he can see. sounds obvoius but trust me, people are forgetful!!

Ludo was fine with it - was in it for about 4 weeks.

I had a pic posted in the picture gallery way back in December or January - will try bumping it up for you.

Any questions - just ask!



Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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it was me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ludo had Uveitus this winter owing to dumb owner of another horse parking it outside Ludo's stable and making Ludo head butt the top of his stable door - She's a useless owner anyway...

right - he too had to be turned out with a flymask and a patch on. I have a very old - but reliable - one, think it's a weatherbeater one, and i just got a pit of an old towel and sewed it in. i left a head collar over the mask to make sure it didn't come off or slip and put gaffer tape on the velcrow as well.

Take him out in hand and get him used to it. horses adapt v easily. just make sure you and all those at the yard, know he can't see out of one side, and always approach on the side he can see. sounds obvoius but trust me, people are forgetful!!

Ludo was fine with it - was in it for about 4 weeks.

I had a pic posted in the picture gallery way back in December or January - will try bumping it up for you.

Any questions - just ask!



Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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it was me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ludo had Uveitus this winter owing to dumb owner of another horse parking it outside Ludo's stable and making Ludo head butt the top of his stable door - She's a useless owner anyway...

right - he too had to be turned out with a flymask and a patch on. I have a very old - but reliable - one, think it's a weatherbeater one, and i just got a pit of an old towel and sewed it in. i left a head collar over the mask to make sure it didn't come off or slip and put gaffer tape on the velcrow as well.

Take him out in hand and get him used to it. horses adapt v easily. just make sure you and all those at the yard, know he can't see out of one side, and always approach on the side he can see. sounds obvoius but trust me, people are forgetful!!

Ludo was fine with it - was in it for about 4 weeks.

I had a pic posted in the picture gallery way back in December or January - will try bumping it up for you.

Any questions - just ask!



Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Years ago I remember someone had this problem and the vet sewed the eyelid down for a few weeks while it was so tender so it was permenantly shut and they never had a problem with that at all. They also, after the stitches were taken out, used a blinker type patch mde by their saddler which fitted to the headcollar; it was edged with sheepskin so didn't rub but fitted tightly enough that he couldn't get it off if he tried; horse made a full recovery too.