Facebook "experts"

Celtic Fringe

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13 April 2014
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Oooo what fossils? I was technically part of the paleo group at Bristol although I didn't work in fossils.
My PhD was also from Bristol - way back in the mid-Jurassic (early 1990s) :eek:I worked on microfossils (mostly conodonts) so not even decent vertebrates which makes me very unqualified to comment on horses. Although 15 years of being trained by a Welsh Cob must count for something - right? :D
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23 September 2008
Over the wild blue yonder
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My PhD was also from Bristol - way back in the mid-Jurassic (early 1990s) :eek:I worked on microfossils (mostly conodonts) so not even decent vertebrates which makes me very unqualified to comment on horses. Although 15 years of being trained by a Welsh Cob must count for something - right? :D
I did get a bit jealous of those who worked on something cool like the non avian dinosaurs ?


Well-Known Member
3 November 2008
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A photo of one of the fattest ponies I have ever seen popped up on a native pony page. Obviously being ridden at a show, very nicely turned out but the animal was very nearly spherical.
There were lots of comments saying how lovely he looked. Perhaps all the ones who thought it was FAT were, like me, sitting on our hands.

Another of my bugbears. I follow a page of someone I really respect as a rider, but their horse is just obese. I'm sure that it is very fit, but it is still fat. The person says they are really proud of the horse's condition, and the comments are adoring. I don't get it, I really don't.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
At least one has put a ban on discussing veterinary matters completely. Not advice related but the posts that make me laugh are the "my horse has Northern Dancer in his pedigree. Any relatives?".

Agree about some of the idiocy on the barefoot groups, saw a discussion about Acorns supporting self selection i.e. if you're horse wants to eat it, it must need it.
The turmeric group - apparently nothing it won't cure.
Feed companies that put about false accusations about their competitors, there are 2 smaller companies who are serial offenders.

lol, a LOT of mine have Nearco in their pedigree - my ex=stallion has him on his 5th ine (and he's 'pure' Irish Draught.) I confess - the only time he EVER hurries is when there's a wanton woman waiting!


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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Saw one that made me quite sad (rightly or wrongly I don't know) - horse's legs giving way when ridden, any stretches/exercises to do? Granted I know little to nothing on these things but surely this calls for a qualified vet and/or physio to attend and make these recommendations (or others) rather than a bunch of randos on the internet (who, to be fair, the majority did say to ask a vet in this case).


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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CC&T I'm pretty sure most people know the one. I saw my sister commenting on a post a few weeks ago - I rang her up saying 'back away from the keyboard!!!' it's like a witch hint on there sometimes.
A poor girl nievely posted a video of her riding a dressage test on what looked like a very wizzy jumping horse. She asked how to keep her hands still in trot. The suggests were interesting to say the least.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2015
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I was approached by someone when my mare came down with laminitis who stated she needed to be “off box rest, walking around freely and socialising. She’s not getting better because she’s sad”

really did not help my situation, they wanted me to travel a pony to a track livery, with 16 degree rotation so she could walk around when she could barely move to her water bucket....but I was cruel for keeping her on box rest!

That's really awful, i'm so sad to think that someone was callous (and stupid) enough to do that.

I had people absolutely slate me for tying my horse to a solid fence - i hadn't, she was on an equiping, and ranting about how badly the logging chains on her harness were fitted - there were no logging chains on the harness! All of this sage advice on non existent tack and my poor horsemanship was as a result of a photo i'd posted. When i pointed out the errors of the observations there was no apology for the rude comments ?


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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I’m actually finding the laminitis page very repetitive now, how many times is the same question asked over and over again... there’s a search button. Sometimes you actually get better answers reading what was asked before.