Facial nerve damage after Staffie attack


Well-Known Member
27 February 2010
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Yes please be sure before you report anything like that. The standards they use to determine whether a dog is type or not are ludicrous. Many innocent dogs who aren't pitbulls could be deemed type, just on someone's say so. I hope the lady keeps her dog under better control in the future.

Christmas Crumpet

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30 August 2007
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I am not reporting them to the dog warden. We live in a very close farming community and I am not going to cause trouble for them. The dog has been muzzled ever since and they are not walking it whilst I am out riding (although I've not taken the dog since). I am allowed to ride on the owner's employers farm and I would like to continue to do so.

The lady was so apologetic about it all and it was just a case of the wrong place at the wrong time for us both. My dog is mending and yes, it will take a while before she is back to normal but I think its time to put it to bed. I am not going to chase them for the vets bill I decided this morning having seen where they live. They clearly don't have much money as they live in a rubbish old caravan on the farm.

Whatever the dog is doesn't matter to me. As long as it remains muzzled and under control, it will hopefully be fine!! Might suggest a harness though as well.


Well-Known Member
27 February 2010
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Bless you. That's a kind thing to do. Perhaps they could pay you a small amount at a time? I hope they have learned a lesson from this. Although for your poor dog it was the hard way :( I am glad your girl is recovering.

risky business

Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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Glad your being so calm about this OP even if you dog was horribly attacked.

Staffie bashing never seems to amaze me the rubbish people spout about them.. All dogs have potential to attack and do harm.. Those who slag staffs off have never owned or met a trained one is all I can say...

Christmas Crumpet

Well-Known Member
30 August 2007
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Well its been a week now and I've had time to calm down. I think, if the owner hadn't been so apologetic and upset, I would have kicked off. However sometimes things like this can happen and there's no point getting more and more wound up about it. Yes my dog is still broken but she is happy again and I was delighted to see her happily talking to her best friend nextdoor today without being nervous at all (despite him trying to mount her...!!). It could have been far worse - she could be dead and she's not so time to move on.

If anything ever happens again, I will make sure the dog never does it again one way or another!!

I keep finding more and more scabs under her fur. One of which is less than an inch from her eye. God she was so lucky. It seems like a very long time ago that it happened.


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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You are a lesson to us all and I am glad the owners admitted responsibility and are taking action. Even better that your dog is recovering well and still is doggy social. Lovely post to read.


Well-Known Member
31 October 2012
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I really hope your dog heals quickly. My (then only) dog was attacked by a Staffie that lives down the street from us a couple of months ago. My Mum had just taken him out for his morning walk and this female Staffie came charging round the corner and went for him. The owner had quite a bit of trouble getting her dog off Brochan. He was thankfully okay, but the other dog had gone for his neck and had bitten through one of the D rings on his collar. I really hate to think what would have happened if the dog had actually got hold of his neck. The owner came to the door later in the morning and apologized. She said the dog would always be on the lead from then on. However, we found out that the same dog had attacked one of our neighbour's dogs and they got told the exact same thing about the dog being kept on a lead. And the very next day (after my dog had been attacked), my sister had been walking past a field behind the house when she saw the same dog and another dog (it apparently gets on with) fighting and the owners trying to separate them. Both were off lead. This is a dangerous dog with an extremely irresponsible owner. I was told more recently by a guy in the area that the dog has been attacking other dogs from as far back as two years ago. It even went for one of his (a big Mastiff!). The dog is STILL being let off the lead in the field behind my house and I have never seen it wearing a muzzle. The thing is with the owner is that she is actually comes over as being a nice person and doesn't fit the usual mean Staffie owning 'chav' stereotype. I don't know what to do about it. Some advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

I do have to say that there are also perfectly nice Staffies about. A Staffie (who had not lost his manhood) followed Brochan and I for about a couple of miles one day. No sign of anybody with him, but he was one of the most respectful dogs I have ever come across. My boy wasn't that keen on him to start with, but he was fine with him by the end of the walk. What a refreshing change it made to have a polite off lead dog. Unlike a lot of off lead Labs, Spaniels, and Collies that come charging up and getting into my dogs faces.

As for Pit Bull types. They can be any dog that conforms to certain measurements. It doesn't matter if they aren't actually a pure or a mix of illegal breeds. If authorities think there is even a chance of a dog being of type, then that dog can be taken away and killed. I hate BSL as it is a legalized genocide. Thousands of innocent dogs have died because of it. Pure American Pit Bull Terriers (like Staffies) can be small, medium and large. It depends on how they've been bred. I have met a few and can tell you they were really sweet dogs.


Well-Known Member
3 September 2012
North East Wales
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OP you have a very generous spirit not pursuing the owners, I take your point re the apology and them muzzling now but I'm not sure I'd be so generous.

My gsd was attacked by my brother in laws cairn terrier when he was 12 weeks old. The terrier grabbed his ear with no warning and locked his jaws. My puppy was screaming, i had to kneel on the terrier's neck til it passed out and my bil's hand was cut to bits trying to undo his jaws. My gsd is still wary of othr dogs in his space and will not turn his back to other dogs four years later.

We have found that he will relax very quickly if we can walk together with other dogs, even for just 100 yards. Walking together means he sees them as his pack.

I hope your girl makes a good physical and mental recovery op.