Fall after hip replacement

Georgie's mum

Active Member
9 August 2016
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I had a total hip replacement four years ago, and everything has been fine. I've had a couple of falls since then, but nothing serious. However, last week I fell on fairly hard ground on the side of my replaced hip, and after a week its still hurting a LOT. I haven't been to the doctors as I feel they've got enough to deal with at the moment with covid, but of course I am worried. Has anyone else had falls after a hip replacement, and if so, how soon did it feel better?

I can walk, and move my leg in all directions, but it is painful all the time. Sorry to moan!

Keira 8888

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1 June 2020
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I had a total hip replacement four years ago, and everything has been fine. I've had a couple of falls since then, but nothing serious. However, last week I fell on fairly hard ground on the side of my replaced hip, and after a week its still hurting a LOT. I haven't been to the doctors as I feel they've got enough to deal with at the moment with covid, but of course I am worried. Has anyone else had falls after a hip replacement, and if so, how soon did it feel better?

I can walk, and move my leg in all directions, but it is painful all the time. Sorry to moan!

You’re not moaning at all - you are being very brave about it. But please please go to the dr - you are not wasting their time at all. It’s always best to keep an eye on things especially since you fell on hard ground. What would you grade your current pain out of ten? X


Well-Known Member
27 July 2017
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I just want to add a 'please go to the doctors'.

You may not have broken or fractured anything but you need it checked. Soft tissue damage and bruising is also incredibly painful.

I don't have a replacement hip, but fell in August at speed onto surfaced ground. Nothing broken, all bruising/soft tissue damage. While it is healing,with physio, it's slow and painful. I have very limited range of movement in my hip, which makes riding near impossible at the moment.

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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I do hope you had it checked and all ok apart from bruising?. I am 10 weeks post op and over did the exercises and the pain has been almost unbearable but all just muscles and tendons apparently, so hopefully it is the same for you. Hope to get other one done in new year If covid doesn't scupper plans allows and I will take it much slower!

Take it easy and let everything heal at its own pace.


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28 June 2012
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I have fallen off 4/5 times since my hip replacement 6 years ago. All fine but I did have a possibly unrelated soft tissue niggle post one fall. I had a follow up x-ray and consultation and then had physio when told the joint was ok. Get it checked out - it’s v unlikely you have a replacement issue (I was told it’s pretty difficult to damage them, much the same as the original joint) but it’s playing on your mind and it will give you comfort.


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28 March 2011
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You must go and get it checked .
Ring 111.
I have fallen on mine twice both times I lay for a moment thinking OH **** got up and felt a bit sore for a while then fine .
However my brother got knocked over by his dog .
He felt pain but could walk he soldiered on for a few days ( he’s a doctor ) then thought mmm went had an X-ray he had broken I can’t remember what but he needed a new implant .
You need specialist advice .
Can you stand on the bad leg only ?


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15 October 2008
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Do you have a physio you trust? If you can’t get a doctors appointment they can be really good at advising a way forward and a relatively affordable way of moving things forward.

Georgie's mum

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9 August 2016
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You’re not moaning at all - you are being very brave about it. But please please go to the dr - you are not wasting their time at all. It’s always best to keep an eye on things especially since you fell on hard ground. What would you grade your current pain out of ten? X
Thank you! I guess the pain depends on what I'm doing - its uncomfortable most of the time and when I get up from sitting it takes a while to be able to walk on it properly. But i think its a bit better than when I originally posted!

Georgie's mum

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9 August 2016
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Do you have a physio you trust? If you can’t get a doctors appointment they can be really good at advising a way forward and a relatively affordable way of moving things forward.
Yes - I can get to a physio and that might be better than the doc. I think its a bit better today though (but then I didn't ride today!)

Georgie's mum

Active Member
9 August 2016
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You must go and get it checked .
Ring 111.
I have fallen on mine twice both times I lay for a moment thinking OH **** got up and felt a bit sore for a while then fine .
However my brother got knocked over by his dog .
He felt pain but could walk he soldiered on for a few days ( he’s a doctor ) then thought mmm went had an X-ray he had broken I can’t remember what but he needed a new implant .
You need specialist advice .
Can you stand on the bad leg only ?
I can stand on it, so I'm probably being overdramatic!

Georgie's mum

Active Member
9 August 2016
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I have fallen off 4/5 times since my hip replacement 6 years ago. All fine but I did have a possibly unrelated soft tissue niggle post one fall. I had a follow up x-ray and consultation and then had physio when told the joint was ok. Get it checked out - it’s v unlikely you have a replacement issue (I was told it’s pretty difficult to damage them, much the same as the original joint) but it’s playing on your mind and it will give you comfort.
Thank you!! Very reassuring.

Georgie's mum

Active Member
9 August 2016
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I do hope you had it checked and all ok apart from bruising?. I am 10 weeks post op and over did the exercises and the pain has been almost unbearable but all just muscles and tendons apparently, so hopefully it is the same for you. Hope to get other one done in new year If covid doesn't scupper plans allows and I will take it much slower!

Take it easy and let everything heal at its own pace.
I'm sorry to hear yours is so bad. Mine was relatively good after the first few days, so I guess I was lucky. Good luck with next year!

Georgie's mum

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9 August 2016
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My sil had a hard fall whilst out walking, her hip replacement was less than six months old and she was very worried she’d damaged it as the pain was really bad. The replacement was fine thankfully but you really need to get yours checked out. Good luck!
Thank you! Reassuring!

Georgie's mum

Active Member
9 August 2016
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I just want to add a 'please go to the doctors'.

You may not have broken or fractured anything but you need it checked. Soft tissue damage and bruising is also incredibly painful.

I don't have a replacement hip, but fell in August at speed onto surfaced ground. Nothing broken, all bruising/soft tissue damage. While it is healing,with physio, it's slow and painful. I have very limited range of movement in my hip, which makes riding near impossible at the moment.
I'm really sorry to hear that - it must be SO frustrating. I hope things improve for you soon; fingers crossed!

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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I'm sorry to hear yours is so bad. Mine was relatively good after the first few days, so I guess I was lucky. Good luck with next year!

Thanks for the sympathy but I dont deserve any, I was flying the first few weeks, even I knew in my heart I was overdoing all the exercise especially as I am rather long in the tooth - as confirmed by my consultant lol! Totally my own fault, wiser now for the next one.

Fingers crossed you will be pain free and back in the saddle very soon.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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If you can fully weight bear on it I think you are unlikely to have damaged your implant .
But I really would get it checked if the symptoms don’t settle quickly .
I hope it’s ok


Well-Known Member
3 December 2010
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Do get your hip checked out, if only for peace of mind, if you don't feel better soon. I had a total hip replacement three years ago and came off onto the road a couple of weeks ago and landed on my operated hip. I could weight bear so got back on but have to say it was quite sore for a good few days afterwards but I think I would have been sore anyway as it was a speedy and unexpected dismount! However, daft as it sounds, it has given me an enormous confidence boost as I didn't crumble into a pile of dust which had been my fear about falling off after my osteoporosis diagnosis following my hip fracture (which was of course a horse related accident!). Hope you feel better soon.