Fat Camp for Cob


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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I've put an electric fence track around my field - not sure if that's an option? The ones that need a bit more can have an hour in the middle and the hippo can be fed soaked hay on the track.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2014
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I'm happy to muzzle 24/7 - I use a muzzle that doesn't rub. I do plait it in, one is enough for my mare but her cob friend needs two and he's more greedy and determined to remove it. Unfortunately our YO does not allow electric or temporary fencing of any sort so muzzling is the only form of restriction available.

I have heard of people plaiting their forelocks into the muzzle but it makes me feel squeamish the thought of my pony possibly being scalped in his efforts to remove said muzzle....


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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Thanks everyone, this is a year old thread.
We seem to have the situation "mostly" under control at the moment with the Shitland being our ongoing fat boy problem.
For those who don't understand why we can't just do this, that or the other...bear in mind that we are on private land owned by someone else and we have to manage it in the way we are asked to. This isn't always the most convenient but we just have to work around it :)


Well-Known Member
26 January 2021
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Totally sympathise with your situation. My ridden mare got lami in April as her management had changed for reasons beyond my control. I have her out now, she is recovering and losing weight well but in the meantime one of her companions just ballooned between April and May. She lives out 24/7. I started her on an exercise regime last month building up to walking out in hand 5 days a week but tbh it has not made any difference. I have just ordered her a muzzle and unfortunately she will have to wear it 24/7 as she won't come into a stable now that there is a 3rd one here with getting anxious. It is either that or another one with lami and I don't want to experience that ever again. I am hoping she will be as accepting as Mel was with hers although Mary is generally a law unto herself ?