Feed For Growing Youngsters?

seriously festive equine

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21 October 2023
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Hi all- I am currently looking to buy myself a Connie youngster over from Ireland in the next year....defo not yet though! I am just thinking ahead as to what low-budget feed is good for youngsters (The horse will probs be under 18 months) I prefer Mole Valley feeds and all my horses are on the same at the minute I also prefer feeding a mix instead of cubes as in the past I have found that it is easier for them to digest being less processed. As I said I am in no rush just want to have options for the future! What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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A Connie won’t need much at all. Grass/hay.
Mineral & vitamin supplement either as a powder in a bit of soaked feedstuff or as a pelleted balancer.


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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Just be aware that the age you're considering will need a lot of hay or haylage provided to them over the winter months to support their growth. As an adult horse, mine eats less now than he did from the age of eighteen months to four years. I also tended to find that he did better on haylage than hay during the worst bit of winter. And don't presume that as a Native they'll be hardy - you may still need to rug! If feeding a balancer, then soaked grass nuts are a nice simple carrier :)