Well-Known Member
My pony had impaction colic on Saturday. This was a bit of a shock as he's poo varies and can be quite wet- he never has very dry poo. We've done the feeding little and often for 24 hours and he's now back out on his track system. I'd obviously like to prevent it happening again. His set up was explained to the vet, who couldn't see an obvious reason why he got it. Vet took blood so I should get the results in a day or so. Apart from his hay he just has a few soaked Thunderbrook meadow nuts twice a day to put his supplements in. I know it's important to keep his feed as wet as possible. Most of his hay is soaked. He has a dry net when I bring him in and a couple of dry nets are put on the track in the afternoon if they've eaten all the wet. He's had lots of health issues recently- last year from January to the end of May we did ulcers, colic, ulcers again and laminitis, so I have to be careful what I feed him. I don't want to feed alfalfa or soya. He was overweight but is now just about perfect weight wise. The yard owner is very good and would be happy to bring him in for 'snack' a couple of times a day. I was thinking Speedi Beet as a slop? Does anyone have any suggestions? (Never having another one)