Feeding Pink Powder


Well-Known Member
1 April 2008
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I've had a few people recommend I feed Pink Powder to my old pony who is on Bute long term ( 1 sachet a day ) and just wondered what other people think about this?

Will it do anything it help her gut etc? Will it be worth it or just an extra cost I don't want? I know Bute can do long term damage to there insides so want to do what I can/whats best for her. She's on danilon equidos!



Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
In the middle somewhere
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My horse is fed two scoops a day as a preventative measure and four scoops when the grass is coming through. I think it has helped with his reoccuring gassy colic attacks which he seems to get with the rich grass (even though he is on limited turnout), although he does still get colic from time to time. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I stopped feeding the pink powder but its like any supplement that you give your horse, it gives you a sense of security that you are doing something to help and makes you fearful of stopping, in case, by doing so, you encourage what you are trying to stop. So I cannot catergorically answer your question Kalees_mum as to whether it really does work, nor can I say whether £15.00 every five weeks would be worth it for you for pychological reassurance only (if it does not work) but I have to say that in my case it definetely is worth it!!


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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i don't think 1 bute a day long term is a big deal , when i had a horse on that dose the vet assured me it was nothing to worry about , he considered it to be a low dose & never in his career had he seen a horse with any side effects from that doseage level - very reputable vet

i use pink powder on a different horse so can't relate it to the bute for you but have found that it has ceratinly helped the horse i feed it to , he had had a number of colicy episode prior to getting pink powder & none since , he now just has 2 scoops per day , started at 4


Pink Powder is designed to work on horses with gastrinal problems, so probably would be helpful in a horse on regular long term Bute.