Feeding turmeric to dogs


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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Does anyone do it and have you noticed a benefit? There is loads of info about giving it to horses and it seems very popular. Ive joined and looked through the files on the FB page but tbh they are very long and a bit out of date maybe?! (Just going on the fact the supplier link I clicked appears not to actually sell turmeric and woolworths gets a mention somewhere along the line!)
Im interested in feeding it as a preventative more than anything but am unsure where to get decent stuff from as in understand its all different (I read about testing it in water but of course you have to buy to be able to test!)
Also a rough idea of the quantities of turmeric, oil and pepper to start with. Im going to used olive oil as its all my local Tesco stocks.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2007
North Yorkshire
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We have been feeding to all our dogs for about 4 weeks now. I followed the quantities given on the facebook group to make up a batch which we keep in the fridge. We built up from about half a teaspoon to 2 teaspoons, they don't seem to mind eating it anyway. We are feeding it mainly as preventative also although our older dog has had intermittent lameness for a few years and often gets up stiffly. I am also hoping it will help with allergies as all 3 big dogs are affected and get problems with their ears. I can't say whether there is a benefit or not yet but coming into pollen season is when we get allergies kicking off so we'll see.
There is a lot of info on the fb pages but if you ask anything they seem to refer you back to the files, which I found as you, are out of date for purchases anyway.I find this a little unfriendly too.
I got my turmeric off ebay and coconut oil of amazon.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2012
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Yes, I feed to both of mine. The eldest is 9 and has an arthritic elbow, she was on metacam and then previcox but is now medicine-free and no longer limping. I make the dog treats as neither of mine are overjoyed at having the turmeric, olive oil and black pepper paste added to their food. Join the 'Turmeric Users Group' on FB - there is a huge amount of info from far more informed people than me and some fantastic stories about the effects of Turmeric. Good luck,


Well-Known Member
11 June 2012
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Meant to say that good grade turmeric is available on line from a number of sellers and if you're near an Asian supermarket they often have good stuff. I got my last batch from Holland and Barratt as it happened to be on offer and I'm very happy with it. Avoid the little supermarket jars, in my experience the quality and therefore the effect isn't the same.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2008
East Sussex
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I feed it to my four and the ponies and myself!

The most noticeable improvement has been to my EBT who was getting stiff in her hips and crying and limping a lot, she is usually a real 'hard' dog who barely whimpers if you accidentally stand on her paw. Metacam did help but I was worried about her being on it long term. She is now frisking about like a youngster again.

Mine eat it either straight from their bowls or mixed in their meat.

The FB page is very good but I did find the files difficult to wade through as there was so much information. I think they are working on a more concise introductory page.