Feel I let myself down today


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26 September 2020
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Hi all,

Just looking for some advice maybe even reassurance here please :) and apologies for long post!

I’ve rode all my life (good 30 years) but due to back issues now I have to be careful riding and have to avoid the naughty ones.

I’ve owned and loaned many horses in the past and just recently after about a years break (due to a bad back) I found a lovely pony to loan and got a lovely bond. Been part loaning for about 4 months now and pony hasn’t put a hoof wrong - if anything can be a bit of a dobin which suited me fine for leisurely hacks.

However yesterday it all went a bit wrong. I went out on our usual route and he did feel a tense as was pretty windy and was a big joggy but I just sat still and kept moving forward. Was snorting and spooking at things that would never usually bat an eyelid at but again no issue just sat quiet and kept hand and leg still with light contact. However we got to a point and he stopped dead and rooted to spot. When I used voice and leg started backing up and when I put leg on straight away and turned circle he exploded! Rearing and bucking and just refused to go through to next field..... and here’s where I feel l let myself down and the pony’s owner down :( it was so unexpected and I just wasn’t mentally prepared to deal with this in the end the only way I could turn him and get him forward was back towards home. I know I should have not giving up but a) the jumping about was jolting my back and b) it frightened me I’m not going to lie. Ever since then I’ve been so angry that I didn’t ride through it and wimped out. It’s like all the things I know I should have done went out my head and fear took over :( . I also feel like I let the owner down because I don’t want to have taught said pony that throwing an tantrum gets you back home! When I got back to yard I did walk around the yard and around in the ménage so wasn’t straight off and he was fine. Could have been the wind and is a Lot colder and just one of those things but obviously I now know he has a tantrum in him!

I’m not nervous about getting on again however if he does do this again I’m not sure if I’m good enough to push him through it - really doubting my riding now.

Has anyone experienced the same? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I understand what you mean but I bet the owner is mortified that her pony did that when you rode home. You did what you had to do at the time to keep yourself safe. If he does it again, dismount and lead him the way you intend to go. He won't have 'won' because he will have followed your instructions and when he has calmed down and it is safe to do so, you ran remount and continue your ride


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28 March 2011
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My horses have all got sharper this week .
I would try not dwell on this if you can up his work and reduce his food do so.
If you are not feeling confident put another rider on him for a few days .


Well-Known Member
22 September 2014
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Totally agree with Pearlsasinger. If it happens again, get off and lead him on. That way he is not getting the message that if he plays up he gets to go home, but you are keeping yourself safe.
It sounds like he was unsettled by something if he is normally no problem and riding him on in that state could have been highly dangerous. I pushed my old loan horse on in a similar situation once and it ended in a very nasty fall. I know some people don't condone it, but I will always get off and lead on in this sort of situation and put my own safety first now.


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26 September 2020
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Thank you for all your support and suggestions :) really appreciate it! Feeling bit less of a failure now.

If it happens again tomorrow - I will definitely go with the get off and lead approach. I am riding with a couple of friends tomorrow too so will have some moral support/help if needed too.

Thank you all ?


Well-Known Member
16 October 2018
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Totally agree. Get off and lead. I would add take a lead rope, long if possible, with you so you can lead safely. Remember to cross over your stirrups if you haven't time to run them up.

I have had to do this a couple of times with my horse in the last few months. Something just blows his mind. I have had neck surgery and have 3 young kids. Your safety is far more important than any kind of "win".
I would add that next time we went out the dragon wasn't there and my lovely calm horse returned.


Well-Known Member
30 September 2011
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Whilst I agree with the get off and lead past, you need to check with the owner if that’s a suitable option for this horse. I’ve certainly owned a horse that would just spin around and leg it if you tried to lead her past something she didn’t like.

you need to keep you and your horse safe... if that is taking the horse back home and making him work up a sweat in the school, then so be it


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22 July 2013
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You did well and I like your problem solving approach. You got home safely, you rode in the menage and have planned to ride out with others next time. No failure there.
Our family cob was such a trusted ride that I even fell asleep out hacking once. Even that lad could have a rare, but inexplicable looney day. We knew him so well that we were able to shrug our shoulders, put it down to changing season or some such event, and just carry on as normal.
The only thing I know, is that no matter how relaxed the ride and how much rein you give, always keep your thumb and forefinger holding the rein firmly for those, once in a blue moon explosions.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2020
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Hi all,

Just looking for some advice maybe even reassurance here please :) and apologies for long post!

I’ve rode all my life (good 30 years) but due to back issues now I have to be careful riding and have to avoid the naughty ones.

I’ve owned and loaned many horses in the past and just recently after about a years break (due to a bad back) I found a lovely pony to loan and got a lovely bond. Been part loaning for about 4 months now and pony hasn’t put a hoof wrong - if anything can be a bit of a dobin which suited me fine for leisurely hacks.

However yesterday it all went a bit wrong. I went out on our usual route and he did feel a tense as was pretty windy and was a big joggy but I just sat still and kept moving forward. Was snorting and spooking at things that would never usually bat an eyelid at but again no issue just sat quiet and kept hand and leg still with light contact. However we got to a point and he stopped dead and rooted to spot. When I used voice and leg started backing up and when I put leg on straight away and turned circle he exploded! Rearing and bucking and just refused to go through to next field..... and here’s where I feel l let myself down and the pony’s owner down :( it was so unexpected and I just wasn’t mentally prepared to deal with this in the end the only way I could turn him and get him forward was back towards home. I know I should have not giving up but a) the jumping about was jolting my back and b) it frightened me I’m not going to lie. Ever since then I’ve been so angry that I didn’t ride through it and wimped out. It’s like all the things I know I should have done went out my head and fear took over :( . I also feel like I let the owner down because I don’t want to have taught said pony that throwing an tantrum gets you back home! When I got back to yard I did walk around the yard and around in the ménage so wasn’t straight off and he was fine. Could have been the wind and is a Lot colder and just one of those things but obviously I now know he has a tantrum in him!

I’m not nervous about getting on again however if he does do this again I’m not sure if I’m good enough to push him through it - really doubting my riding now.

Has anyone experienced the same? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
Personally I'd rein back past the sticking point and turnaround and ask to walk forward. If you get no nice steps turn around again. Its quite a good tip for naughty horses who try it on, and those that plant. They think they are going in the direction THEY want where in actual fact they are going in the direction YOU want.