Feel like a broken record persistent wet!


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17 May 2017
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Enough is enough, I say. Field is a paddy field but at least a pretty green. Horses are fed up. Stables walls are soaked from ground up and water soaking in from behind the stables into my spare stable (yes, I did say spare stable 😆). Foals are being very patient about it all but they look such a mess. I haven't ridden for weeks. Ground is too slippery and ridden horse is an idiot. This made me laugh though.
pooh bear.jpg

Lucky Snowball

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22 December 2020
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Really heavy hail storms here on Dartmoor today. Like marbles being dropped. Weeks of rain, fields have deep divots full of water. Horses are out except when ridden but choose not to leave the field shelter.


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4 January 2008
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What about those of you with no turnout , what do you do? I was told ok well out your horse out of field is trashed that’s up to you but of course even so he won’t go out on his own

Titchy Pony

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21 September 2022
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I'm slowly losing the will to live. Since I last wrote on this thread (yesterday!) it has rained non stop. My bogs have turned into lakes, the horse are in and won't be going back out for at least a few days. They're at home, so at least its all my decision, but they would need waders and a life jacket to go out at the minute. This means I will have to ride them. Little Madam in the indoor arena at the riding school but my Old Lady has never schooled as far as I know, so it will be some road hacking for her.
I'm considering a rubber duck race down my lane a the moment. it's called 'the lane of the fountains' (translation) but is more like 'river over the fountains' right now.


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29 January 2008
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Looks like it is going to be warm and dry here next week. The land is well draining at our yard and although it is very wet a few dry days and it will be good again.

The vet was on the yard yesterday evening and said a lot of the roads locally were flooded so difficult to get to places.


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30 October 2023
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Snowing here. Old Dobbin was still keen to go out with the others this morning, and rolled in the filthiest part of the field. They are all stood under the hedge gossiping, and I suspect it's only me that feels a tad guilty for turning out. Roll on summer.....spring grass, grazing muzzles, weight issues, coughing...... 😁

sometimes i think i am alone in a sea of mud, thankyou for making me smile

and yes i just can`t wait for the flies

i have one with feet like concrete to trim even he is going `soft`
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25 August 2010
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I've got 3 big lakes in my field I've never seen it so bad in the 12 years I've been here.

I've only got nearly 3 acres for 2 barefoot Arab's and the field is trashed, I feel for people on livery with lots of horses the fields must be terrible 😪


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22 November 2020
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Horrible here wet cold slimy mud puddles paddy fields horses with hoof problems coughing problems I'm completely fed up and feel like calling the hunt to shoot them all then I can walk away sell up and move to the city.however they are looking great when groomed with my new haas brushes. So maybe I'll soldier on.


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2 August 2023
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Horrible here wet cold slimy mud puddles paddy fields horses with hoof problems coughing problems I'm completely fed up and feel like calling the hunt to shoot them all then I can walk away sell up and move to the city.however they are looking great when groomed with my new haas brushes. So maybe I'll soldier on.
I know the feeling ! This winter has been interminable.I am down to 3 (2 in their twenties and 1 of 17).
One of the twenties is unlikely to be with me next year probably got him over the summer.
We will probably sell up and severely downsize in the next couple of years and this weather is definitely pushing us to sooner rather than later.
Had two horrendous hail storm today along with some sunshine
Every time I think it's improving down comes the rain again.
This must end soon !!!


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22 December 2019
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There is so much standing water and then cold followed by ridiculously warm temperatures (we had 14c last week and today we had hail and 2c), it just makes me think of all the bacteria in the fields from the run-off. Would not suprise me if we have some new, odd health issues in the spring, following all this :(


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30 August 2020
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I put mine out on "grass" for a few hours today... They came back in with over knee mud stockings and looking miserable. Boy horse wants to go out when in and in when out, he's grumpy at the moment, I thinks he's feeling like me and fed up with it all. Girl horse was happy to be back in the moochy yard as there's hay and a soft dry bed to lie down in, but she's a princess and likes her comforts!


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10 August 2018
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I think we’re going to renovate the overgrown stables this summer so I can get them all in overnight next year. Babies can go to my friend’s yard which is better draining, and the ridden horses can come in. This year has just been awful.
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14 September 2020
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My pony literally has a tantrum if not bought in quickly enough, despite both grass and hay being available.
Big horse is more civilised but will also start shouting when they see my car arrive.
I'd love to have them out until 5 pm this time of year but by 3 pm they are absolutely desperate to come in.
You need a snorkel to get to their fields to start with.

Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to drier days
1 July 2008
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One of mine has had enough of it. She's been using the stable again despite not going in it for months. Even out riding she's taking me to the harder tracks (we ride on the open forest) as obviously fed up of the mud. She's forest born and bred but I think she's fed up now.


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15 August 2015
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so wet here - even the horses seen fed up with it. They are still getting out and the fields are wet but not too bad except for the bottomless gateways (we are on clay). I went hacking today and squelched our way out of the fields to the road. I’m sick of walking everywhere and doing road work! My boy didn’t feel like himself today - like he really couldn’t be bothered, but I’m thinking it might be this weather and the ground snaking him feel like this. 😞 come on spring!!!


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20 December 2014
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Mine are in so much they're gaining weight. All on trickle nets but will just keep eating til it's gone and I can't have them stood in for hours with nothing to eat so they're getting more than they should.

I already mix with some good but unpalatable (very late cut) hay which slows them down. Was going to try oat straw but 2 on the yard who gave straw have also had compaction colic so I've been put off that.

Going into spring fat is not ideal at all. Possible saving grace is the fields are so badly trashed it'll be really sparse grass and they'll need to travel for it. If the ground ever dries out.


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21 April 2007
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I've got 2 out on 10 acres, and the sheep usually do a good job of levelling the ground but still the main gateways are absolutely trashed. Mud dragged in (by the horses, not the sheep) to totally ruin the lovely gravelled hardstanding. Puddles in the divots. Yet the summer before last I was praying for rain after 6 weeks of total dry, and brown crispy grass.

The neighbour has closed off our only safe access to local hacking so it's going to be taking the trailer out every time I want to ride. Or getting up very early on a Sunday and braving the 200m of main road. Everything is more difficult, more time consuming and more expensive right now. And lambing starts in 3 weeks. It'd better start drying up pronto...


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8 July 2023
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My very wet but ‘ok’ paddock is now ruined. My neighbours horses got loose yesterday and ran up and down my track causing mine to lose their minds so that’s wonderful especially when I’ve got a very full on week at work and have little time to resolve! I’m just going to sacrifice it and sort it next week when I’ve got the time


Well-Known Member
8 July 2023
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My very wet but ‘ok’ paddock is now ruined. My neighbours horses got loose yesterday and ran up and down my track causing mine to lose their minds so that’s wonderful especially when I’ve got a very full on week at work and have little time to resolve! I’m just going to sacrifice it and sort it next week when I’ve got the time
And now my oldie has a fat fetlock