Feeling downhearted.


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29 January 2008
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Just wonderful to hear that he is having such great impact and a lovely caring home for him too. He must feel relaxed and safe to enjoy sleeping and eating.

He's a complete antidepressant in himself - a whole large bottle of them!
I haven't taken antidepressant meds for several years now. They didn't work.
I understand perfectly why I feel as I do, and know nondestructive ways to manage it.
Age and physical trauma related pain don't help, but as Kevin's human namesake used to say " If you don't like it, you shouldn't have joined!".


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23 September 2021
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Kevin and I are back in our aft cabin sleeping quarters.
A great improvement for both of us.
I am now able to have duvet-covered feet, and Kevin can languidly sprawl on top of the faux-fur throw.
He really is A Large Cat.
I weighed him this morning. Fifteen pounds in Imperial weight.
Looks to be about a yard long head to tip of tail.
He's just favoured me with a huge yawn. Very like a shark.
My previous feline owners were powerful personalities. I think Kevin is in a different league.
I wonder where he's parked his broomstick? He's not going to need his thermals, but I probably will . . .


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23 September 2021
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Kevin has been rumbled: his desperate desire to devour at least four foil-covered meals daily, plus ad lib dry food has been exposed by a horrible old woman who obviously Doesn't Understand. Horrible old woman is slave to Slave's other extravagance. The Horse.
Slave has been instructed to unwind me from her little finger and cut down the wet food. "Too much protein".
Kevin is now innocently snoozing next to Slave. Plotting . . .


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Kevin has been rumbled: his desperate desire to devour at least four foil-covered meals daily, plus ad lib dry food has been exposed by a horrible old woman who obviously Doesn't Understand. Horrible old woman is slave to Slave's other extravagance. The Horse.
Slave has been instructed to unwind me from her little finger and cut down the wet food. "Too much protein".
Kevin is now innocently snoozing next to Slave. Plotting . . .
Kevin's alter ego is as a raven. He has a menacing cat voice: "Krawww. Kraawww". Sounds really creepy. Especially when paired with heavy stares from pale-green eyes.
He seems to have settled down with three foil-covered sachets of medium-priced meat per day plus ad lib dry food and plenty of fresh water.
I've had a really heavy cold for the last three days, so stayed in, dosed up, snuffling and sneezing.
Kevin has been working as an alternative (heavy) hot water bottle, and hasn't moved all day.
He's still got the gimlet green-eyed gaze, but seems to have left off his malevolent-raven act.
He's had a look at the outside world, via an open hatch and the gang plank. Made no effort to go out.
So, going along nicely, for now.


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1 June 2021
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Just caught up with your thread RatFace.
So sorry you lost your cat but I’m so happy you got a Kevin to help cheer you up. He sounds like the perfect companion.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Thank you, Peglo. Kevin is certainly a good friend and an entertaining companion. His sole motivation is food. More food. Even more food. Did I mention food?
The obsession seems to be levelling off a bit now. He's on four pouches of wet food and ad lib dry food per day. I think he's becoming more secure in the fact that food is plentiful and regular and that he doesn't have to stuff himself to immobility at each meal.
He likes being groomed, is a good conversationalist in both Prrp and Raven-dialect Miaow. Shows no interest in jumping ship. Just wants to eat and sleep. His preferred snoozing platform is me. Otherwise, he sulks under the companion way on an old fleece.
He's costing a fair wack in food. Unsurprising, since he weighs (3 weeks in) nearly 7kgs and is 93 centimetres in length.
He was quite bony (spine and ribs) when he arrived but quite well covered now.
He's going to be wormed and flea'd this week, and is registered with the vets who looked after the late Madam Kat.
So, all in all, a wonderful, if expensive gift. Many thanks to my friend Julia Buckle, and her friend Debbie Palmer who rescued him from his abandoned state.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Thank you, Peglo. Kevin is certainly a good friend and an entertaining companion. His sole motivation is food. More food. Even more food. Did I mention food?
The obsession seems to be levelling off a bit now. He's on four pouches of wet food and ad lib dry food per day. I think he's becoming more secure in the fact that food is plentiful and regular and that he doesn't have to stuff himself to immobility at each meal.
He likes being groomed, is a good conversationalist in both Prrp and Raven-dialect Miaow. Shows no interest in jumping ship. Just wants to eat and sleep. His preferred snoozing platform is me. Otherwise, he sulks under the companion way on an old fleece.
He's costing a fair wack in food. Unsurprising, since he weighs (3 weeks in) nearly 7kgs and is 93 centimetres in length.
He was quite bony (spine and ribs) when he arrived but quite well covered now.
He's going to be wormed and flea'd this week, and is registered with the vets who looked after the late Madam Kat.
So, all in all, a wonderful, if expensive gift. Many thanks to my friend Julia Buckle, and her friend Debbie Palmer who rescued him from his abandoned state.

I am glad that he has settled so well and that you are pleased with your gift IM(extensive)E, the free ones always end up costing you more, e.g. the 'Buy one puppy Get one puppy Free, who later developed epilepsy-and had a penchant for eating stolen butter and eggs.


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17 July 2012
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A single can of cat food is equivalent weight to 3 and a bit pouches, but cans are much cheaper for same product. Just an idea, from one skint old cat slave to another! I went back to cans when Marjorie decided not to be as feral and outdoorsy.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Aha, limestonelil, that's a good idea re tins rather than pouches.
I wonder if "poor not-at all-little me" Kevin will accept just one can at a time?
He is a complete food tyrant and has taken to sitting on my head until I get up and feed him at increasingly early hours in the morning.
Shutting him out of the aft cabin doesn't work. He throws his entire weight at it.
When I'm feeling charitable, I remember that he was an abandoned stray.
He's such a schmooze-monster. Works every time.


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23 September 2021
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Thinking back, the Killer Burmese used to ensure his Imperial Requirements were immediately met by lining up a precious antique piece and patting it towards a certain destruction. If reprimanded, he patted it even more quickly. . . Worked every time. He used to visit neighbouring boat-owners and glare nastily, edging ever closer and finally snatching the required morsel before it could reach its expected destination.
He got away with it every time because he was beautiful and very charming.


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23 September 2021
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Katastrophe (in waiting) Kevin update: the above has decided that taking on a very large/cross male swan is a good idea.
If I had access to smelling salts, I would be reaching for them right now.
Father swan is a seriously heavy dude. Cruises up and down the pontoon in the manner of a 16th century highwayman - " yer food or yer gets attacked, orright?" If swans sniffed, in this case, the menace would be accompanied by one. Father Swan makes do with sabre-rattling Kevin Kraawww comments. Kevin sits there making avid (head lowered, snake-neck following movements, large-pupil) stare. Obviously missed the conflict-avoidance training.
Father Swan has decided to swan off. Kevin is watching his progress, whilst idly attending to his morning ablutions.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2021
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Just read through this whole thread re the Adventures of Kevin Kat And His Staff.
Fourteen months in, I've discovered that Kevin has Feline Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Bought a bottle of Solvitex (other medications are available) and put the recommended dose on to recommended wet and dry food.
Kevin said "Yummeee! Fish oil" and snarfed the lot. Today, back to "I demand a newly washed dish and new food for every meal. Even if there is still perfectly fresh food still there. Also that you put fresh Cod Liver Oil on it. Now."
Of course, King Kevin Kat is immediately given whatever he wants. Immediately.
He's much less affectionate these days, which is a bit disappointing. He saves it for ensuring that I respond promptly to his demands, but the hours between food is longer now. Seven hours rather than four.
Onwards and Upwards!